List of MB-System Programs:
Manual Page for the MB-System package:
Manual Page for the MB-System i/o library:
These are the current MB-system programs with links to the Unix manual
- mbabsorption: Calculates water sound absorption as a function of water properties.
- mbareaclean: Identifies and
bad beams in swath
sonar bathymetry data within a specified area.
- mbauvloglist: Generate
arbitrary text lists of values from MBARI AUV mission log files.
- mbauvnavusbl: Merge inertial
and surface tracking navigation for
submerged sonar platforms (e.g. ROVs and AUVs).
- mbbackangle: Generates corrections
for sidescan and/or amplitude data by calculating average amplitudes
as a function of the seafloor
grazing angle.
- mbclean: Identifies and flags bad
beams in swath sonar bathymetry data.
- mbcontour: Generate GMT compatible
color swath contour plots.
- mbcopy: Copy swath sonar data files.
- mbctdlist: List CTD data in swath sonar data files.
- mbdatalist: Parses recursive
files and outputs the
complete list of data files and formats.
- mbdefaults: Set or list default
for reading and writing swath sonar data
- mbdumpesf: mbdumpesf reads an MB-System edit save file and dumps the contents as an ascii table to stdout.
- mbedit: Interactive editor used to
bad beams
in swath sonar bathymetry data.
- mbeditviz: Interactive 3D visualization bathymetry editing and attitude bias patch test.
- mbextractsegy:
Extract subbottom profiler or center beam reflection data to segy files.
- mbfilter:
Apply one or more simple filters to sidescan and/or beam amplitude data.
- mbformat: List information about
data formats supported by the MBIO library.
- mbgetesf: Extract bathymetry edits
save file format.
- mbgrdtiff: Generate TIFF image
- mbgrdviz: Vizualize GMT grids.
- mbgrid: Grid bathymetry, amplitude,
data from swath sonar data files.
- mbhistogram: Obtain histogram of
amplitude, or sidescan data from swath sonar data files.
- mbhsdump: List raw information contained
in Hydrosweep DS data files (formats 21 and 24).
- mbhysweeppreprocess: Preprocess
Hysweep HSX data (format 201), including applying time lag and biases to
attitude and navigation data.
- mbinfo: Output some basic statistics
sonar data files.
- mbkongsbergpreprocess: performs
preprocessing of data from third generation Kongsberg
multibeam sonars (e.g. EM122, EM302, EM710).
- mblevitus: Create a water velocity
which is representative of the mean annual water column for a specified
1 degree by 1 degree region.
- mblist: List data in swath sonar data
- mbmosaic: Mosaic sidescan and
- mbnavadjust: Package that solves for optimal navigation by matching bathymetry of overlapping swathes.
- mbnavadjustmerge: Merge two mbnavadjust projects.
- mbnavedit: Interactive editor used
problems with navigation in swath sonar data files.
- mbnavlist: List navigation data in
swath sonar
data files.
- mbneptune2esf: Extract
bathymetry edits from Simrad Neptune software into edit save file
- mbotps: Generate open ocean tidal model for specified time and location using the Oregon State Tidal Prediction Software (OTPS) package.
- mbprocess: Process swath sonar
files, including
merging navigation, applying bathymetry edits, recalculating
bathymetry by raytracing, and applying a variety of other corrections.
- mbps: Simple perspective views of swath
in Postscript.
- mbrollbias: Evaluate the roll bias of a
swath sonar system using two pieces of coincident bathymetry data
collected with opposing ship headings.
- mbrolltimelag Estimate attitude
time lag by cross correlation of apparent bottom slope with the roll
time series:
- mbroutetime Outputs a list of the times when a survey passes the waypoints of a planned survey route.
- mbsegygrid:
Generate time vs. trace number grids of seismic data from segy files.
- mbsegyinfo:
Output some basic statistics of segy seismic data files.
- mbsegylist:
List selected header values in segy seismic data files.
- mbsegypsd:
Calculates the power spectral density function of each trace in a segy data file, outputting the results as a GMT grid file..
- mbset:
Create and modify parameter files used
to control mbprocess.
- mbstripnan: Filter to remove NaN
- mbsvplist: Extract water sound
velocity profiles
(SVPs) from swath data files.
- mbsvpselect: Select the best
available sound speed model for each swath file in a survey according to
user specified criteria.
- mbswath: Generate GMT compatible
color and color shaded relief swath plots.
- mbswplspreprocess: Preprocess
SwathPlus SXP data (format 222), including applying time lag and biases to
attitude and navigation data.
- mbtime: Converts between calendar time
and unix time.
- mbvelocitytool: Interactive
program for
modeling the affect of the water velocity profile on swath sonar
- mb7k2jstar: Extract Jstar format
(format 132) sidescan and subbottom data from Reson 7k (format 88) data
- mb7k2ss: mb7k2ss extracts Edgetech
sidescan sonar data from Reson 7k format data, bins and lays the sidescan
onto the seafloor, and outputs files in the MBF_MBLDEOIH formst (MBIO
format id 71).
- mb7kpreprocess: Preprocess
Reson 7k data (format 88), including applying time lag and biases to
attitude and navigation data.
Macros are programs or shellscripts which make use of programs from the
MB-System and other software packages to accomplish common tasks
These are the current MB-System macros:
- mbm_arc2grd: Convert an ArcView
ASCII grid
file to a GMT grid file.
- mbm_copy: Translate groups of swath
data files between formats
- mbm_bpr: Process data from a Seabird SBE53 pressure sensor into a tidal model for
use by mbprocess.
- mbm_fmtvel: Scans a Hydrosweep swath sonar data file using the program mbhsdump and generates a list in columnar format with time, date, latitude, longitude, C-mean, and C-keel entrys.
- mbm_grd2arc: Convert a GMT grid
file to an ArcView ASCII grid file.
- mbm_grd2geovrml: Create and
execute commands which generate a TerraVision tileset and GeoVRML set
of files that can be combined with other data and viewed in a web
- mbm_grd3dplot: Reads a GMT GRD
grid file
and writes a shellscript which will generate a GMT 3D perspective view
of the data.
- mbm_grdcut: Extract a subarea of
GMT grid
- mbm_grdinfo: Get information
regarding a GMT grd file when the region of interest is a
subset of the area covered in the input file.
- mbm_grdplot: Reads a GMT GRD
grid file and writes a shellscript which will generate a GMT map of the data.
- mbm_grdtiff: Reads a GMT GRD
grid file and writes a shellscript which will generate a TIFF image of the data.
- mbm_grid: Reads a swath sonar data
file and writes a shellscript which will grid bathymetry data or mosaic
sidescan (or amplitude) data using reasonable guesses at the appropriate
grid bounds and bin size.
- mbm_histplot: Create an executable
shellscript which will generate a GMT histogram plot of a dataset.
- mbm_makedatalist: Generates
an MB-System datalist file referencing all identifiable swath files in
the specified target directory.
- mbm_makesvp: Generate a sound velocity profile model from sound speed and depth values in swath files.
- mbm_multicopy: Translate groups of swath
data files between formats using parallel processes.
- mbm_multidatalist: Generates
ancilliary files used in data managment using parallel processes.
- mbm_multiprocess: Apply specified
processing tasks to a swath data file using parallel processes.
- mbm_plot: Reads a swath sonar data
writes a shellscript which will generate a swath and/or contour plot of
the data.
- mbm_route2mission:
Translate an mbgrdviz survey route file into an MBARI AUV mission
- mbm_stat: Runs mbinfo on a swath
sonar data file and extracts beam statistics from the output of mbinfo.
- mbm_utm: Performs forward and
UTM projections
of ASCII data triples.
- mbm_xbt: Processes a Sparton XBT
file and
outputs a sound velocity profile file which can be used to process
sonar data.
- mbm_xyplot: Reads one or more xy
and writes a shellscript which will generate GMT plot of the data.
Last Updated: $Id: mbsystem_man_list.html 2187 2014-05-28 23:56:32Z caress $
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