Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbstripNaN - filter to remove NaN nodesVERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbstripNaN is a utility for removing NaN nodes that are produced by the GMT utilities grd2xyz and blockmean with the -bo option. The standard output of mbstripNaN may be fed into the standard input of surface with the -bi option. This is used by the mbm_grd2geovrml utility in order to spline fill areas of no data so that irregular bathymetry may be effectively visualized using GeoVRML which has no concept of NaN.Note that mbstripNaN works with a double precision data stream.
The code is simple. Here it is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
* Read double x,y,z on stdin and send to stdout all
* triplets but ones where z == NaN
main () {
struct node { double lon, lat, height; };
struct node n;
while ( ( fread(&n, 24, 1, stdin) > 0 ) ) {
if ( ! isnan(n.height) ) {
fwrite(&n, 24, 1, stdout);
This is a command that mbm_grd2geovrml constructs and executes:
# Convert grid to xyz format for filling in blank
# areas, preprocess w/blockmean, use surface to
# extrapolate to no data areas
grd2xyz -bo Samp_OregonMarginI_bath.grd | blockmean \
-bi -bo -V -I0.00336363636363635/0.00134545454545457 \
-R-125.2/-124.867/45/45.1332 | mbstripNaN | surface \
-bi -I0.00336363636363635/0.00134545454545457 \
-S0.333312 -T0.35 -GTmp_OregonMarginI_bath.grd -V \
grd2xyz(1), blockmean(1), surface(1), mbm_grd2geovrml(1)
How many bugs can there be in an 8 line program?
Last Updated: 3 June 2013