MB-System Unix Manual Page
Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbcopy - Copy swath sonar bathymetry data files.
Version 5.0
mbcopy [-Byr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -Ccommentfile -D
-Eyr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -Finformat[/outformat[/mergeformat]]
-H -Iinfilename
-Llonflip -Mmergefilename -N -Ooutfilename
-Ppings -Qsleep_factor -Rwest/east/south/north
-Sspeed -V]
mbcopy is a utility for copying swath sonar data files which
may be used to change formats, average pings, or window
in time and space. mbcopy can be used as a filter from
stdin to stdout, or it may do i/o to and from files.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- -B
This option sets the starting time for data allowed in the input data.
The -E option sets the ending time for data. If the
starting time is before the ending time, then any data
with a time stamp before the starting time or after the
ending time is ignored. If instead the starting time is
after the ending time, then any data between the ending
and starting time will be ignored. This scheme allows time
windowing both inside and outside a specified interval.
Default: yr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc = 1962/2/21/10/30/0.
- -C
Text file containing comments which are inserted into the
beginning of the output data stream. This option is typically
used to insert a data pedigree statement at the beginning of
data processing.
- -D
This option only works when the output format is MBLDEOIH (format 71).
When -D is invoked, mbcopy only outputs swath bathymetry
data (any amplitude and sidescan data found in the input are ignored).
The MB-System program mbdatalist uses this option to
generate "fast bathymetry" or "fbt" files. See the MB-System
manual page for information on the use and utility of "fbt" files.
- -E
This option sets the ending time for data allowed in the input data.
The -B option sets the starting time for data. If the
starting time is before the ending time, then any data
with a time stamp before the starting time or after the
ending time is ignored. If instead the starting time is
after the ending time, then any data between the ending
and starting time will be ignored. This scheme allows time
windowing both inside and outside a specified interval.
Default: yr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc = 2062/2/21/10/30/0.
- -F
Sets the format for the input and output swath sonar data using
MBIO integer format identifiers. If only informat is specified,
then outformat is assumed to be the same. If bathymetry merging is
specified with the -M option, then the optional mergeformat
specifies the format of the merge file.
This program uses the MBIO library and will read or write any swath sonar
format supported by MBIO. A list of the swath sonar data formats
currently supported by MBIO and their identifier values
is given in the MBIO manual page. When the informat and
outformat values are both associated with the same swath sonar
sonar system (e.g. the Atlas Hydrosweep DS system), then the complete
data stream contained in the input file can be copied to the output
file. If the two formats are associated with two different swath sonar
systems, then only the time stamp, navigation, and beam values will
be copied. The use of ping averaging also causes a partial data stream
to be passed, even when compatible or identical input and output formats
are specified (see the -P option).
Default: informat = 11; outformat = 11.
- -H
This "help" flag cause the program to print out a description
of its operation and then exit immediately.
- -I
Data file from which the input data will be read. If
no input file is specified, the input will be read
from stdin. Default: infilename = stdin.
- -L
Sets the range of the longitude values returned.
If lonflip=-1 then the longitude values will be in
the range from -360 to 0 degrees. If lonflip=0
then the longitude values will be in
the range from -180 to 180 degrees. If lonflip=1
then the longitude values will be in
the range from 0 to 360 degrees.
Default: lonflip = 0.
- -M
If a merge file is specified then the bathymetry data and flags
from the merge file will be written to the output file along with
the remaining data from the input file.
This can be used to merge two processing streams, one for bathymetry
data and the other for other data sets. The input file and merge file
must both be based on the same raw data.
- -N
Normally, mbcopy generates a set of comment records at
the beginning of the output stream which record when, how,
and by whom mbcopy was run. If the
-N flag is given, these comments are not included in
the output stream, and, in addition, any preexisting comment records
in the input data stream are not passed to the output data stream.
However, the -N option does not affect the insertion of
comments from a text file if specified using the -C option.
- -O
Data file to which the output data will be written. If
no output file is specified, the output will be written to
stdout. Default: outfilename = stdout.
- -P
Sets the ping averaging of the input data. If pings = 1, then
no ping averaging is performed. If pings > 0, then
that number of input pings will be averaged to produce one output
ping. If pings = 0, then the ping averaging will automatically
be done so that the along-track ping spacing is equal to the across-track
beam spacing. If ping averaging is used (pings != 1), then
only a partial data stream can be copied (see the -F option).
Default: pings = 1 (no ping averaging).
- -Q
Causes the program to sleep before writing each data record, thus simulating
a simple data logger. The amount of time slept is the time between the
previous and current pings times the value sleep_factor.
Default: sleep_factor = 1.0
- -R
Sets the longitude and latitude bounds within which swath sonar
data will be read. Only the data which lies within these bounds will
be copied.
Default: west=-360, east=360, south=-90, north=90.
- -S
Sets the minimum speed in km/hr (5.5 kts ~ 10 km/hr) allowed in
the input data; pings associated with a smaller ship speed will not be
copied. Default: speed = 0.
- -T
Sets the maximum time gap in minutes between adjacent pings allowed before
the data is considered to have a gap. Default: timegap = 1.
- -V
Normally, mbcopy works "silently" without outputting
anything to the stderr stream. If the
-V flag is given, then mbcopy works in a "verbose" mode and
outputs the program version being used, all error status messages,
and the number of records input and output.
Suppose one wishes to copy a raw Hydrosweep file (format 21) called hs_raw into a
L-DEO binary Hydrosweep file (format 24) called hs_binary while windowing the data
into a region between 145W and 140W longitude and between 10S and 5S
longitude. The following will suffice:
mbcopy -P1 -F21/24 -R-145/-140/-10/-5 -Ihs_raw -Ohs_binary
Suppose one has a program called thrash_prog which requires Hydrosweep
data to be input in the URI format (format 23) to stdin, but the existing
data is in a raw Hydrosweep file (format 21). The following will work:
mbcopy -P1 -F21/23 | thrash_prog
where a pipe (|) has been used to direct the stdout stream from mbcopy
to the stdin stream of thrash_prog.
Suppose one has some raw data from a Simrad EM300 that has been cleaned and processed
by a third party using other software and exported as a GSF file, but one wants to
access the original Simrad attitude and backscatter data with the corrected bathymetry
data. The following will work:
mbcopy -F56/57/121 -I0015_20040212_052714_raw.all -M20040212_052714.gsf -O20040212_052714.mb57
mbsystem(1), mbio(1)
Last Updated: 3 June 2013
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