MB-System Unix Manual Page
Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 28 September 2013
mbgrdtiff - generates a geographically located TIFF image from
a GMT grid file.
Version 5.0
mbgrdtiff -Ccptfile -Igrdfile
-Otiff_file [-H -Kintensfile -V -W]
mbgrdtiff generates a TIFF image from a GMT grid. The
image generation is similar to that of the GMT program
grdimage. In particular, the color map is applied from
a GMT CPT file, and shading overlay grids may be applied.
The image is 8 bits
per pixel if the color map is a grayscale, and 24 bits
per pixel otherwise. In order to automatically generate a
reasonable image of a grid, use the macro mbm_grdtiff.
The program mbgrdtiff recognizes the coordinate system
used by mbgrid or mbmosaic to generate a grid file, and
then embeds the projection and grid bounds information into the TIFF
image in accordance with the GeoTIFF standard. A number of GIS software
packages recognize the georeferencing information in GeoTIFF images.
In particular, images generated by mbgrdtiff from grids created
using mbgrid or mbmosaic can be loaded into the
GRASS, ArcInfo, ArcView, and ArcGIS GIS packages as geographically located
coverages. The mbgrid and mbmosaic manual pages each contain
an appendix with a complete list of the projected coordinate systems that
may used in grid generation. Some software packages (e.g. Winfrog) do not
recognize the embedded coordinate system information, and install require
a parallel "world" file to specify the bounds and resolution. The -W
option causes a world file to be generated with a ".tfw" suffix.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- -C
Sets the color palette (CPT) file which controls the color of the plot.
See documentation of the GMT package for a complete description
of cpt files. If the R, G, and B values in the CPT file are all
equal for each data level (i.e. R=G=B), the the output TIFF
image will be 8 bits per pixel. Otherwise, the output TIFF image
will be 24 bits per pixel.
- -H
This "help" flag cause the program to print out a description
of its operation and then exit immediately.
- -I
Sets the name of the gridded data file to be plotted.
The data must be in a form acceptable to GMT version 3
programs (see the GMT Cookbook & Technical Reference).
- -K
Sets the name of the gridded data file containing
intensity values to be used for shading the map.
Alternatively, grdfile may be a list of grid files
(one filename on each line) to be used together. If a
list of files is supplied, the intensity files must
conform in order to the list of data grid files they will shade.
- -O
Sets the root used to construct the filename of the output shellscript
(root.cmd) and names of files created when the shellscript is
run. Normally the
name of the input grid file or grid file list is
used as the root.
- -V
Selects verbose mode [Default runs "silently"].
- -W
The -W option causes a "world" file to be generated parallel to the
GeoTiff image with a ".tfw" suffix. Some software packages (e.g. Winfrog) do
not recognize the coordinate information embedded in the GeoTiff file, and
look for a world file.
Suppose we have obtained two GRD files called PunaA_bath.grd
and PunaA_ss.grd, both with dimensions
1162 x 1068. The file PunaA_bath.grd contains seafloor
topography (depth values are negative, ranging
from -5035 m to -1619 m), and the file PunaA_ss.grd
contains a sidescan mosaic (reflectivity values
ranging from 0 to 128 dB). In order to generate
a 24 bit color TIFF image of the seafloor topography, we use:
mbgrdtiff -I PunaA_bath.grd -O PunaA_bath.tif -C bath.cpt -V
where the color is controlled by a GMT cpt file bath.cpt
-5250 37 57 175 -4875 40 127 251
-4875 40 127 251 -4500 50 190 255
-4500 50 190 255 -4125 106 235 255
-4125 106 235 255 -3750 138 236 174
-3750 138 236 174 -3375 205 255 162
-3375 205 255 162 -3000 240 236 121
-3000 240 236 121 -2625 255 189 87
-2625 255 189 87 -2250 255 161 68
-2250 255 161 68 -1875 255 186 133
-1875 255 186 133 -1500 255 255 255
In order to generate
an 8 bit grayscale TIFF image of the sidescan mosaic, we use:
mbgrdtiff -I PunaA_ss.grd -O PunaA_ss.tif -C ss.cpt -V
where the grayscale is controlled by a GMT cpt file ss.cpt
0.00 0 0 0 16.50 26 26 26
16.50 26 26 26 22.87 51 51 51
22.87 51 51 51 27.00 77 77 77
27.00 77 77 77 30.00 102 102 102
30.00 102 102 102 32.25 128 128 128
32.25 128 128 128 34.25 153 153 153
34.25 153 153 153 36.25 179 179 179
36.25 179 179 179 38.50 204 204 204
38.50 204 204 204 41.23 230 230 230
41.23 230 230 230 128.00 255 255 255
Here greater reflectivity amplitudes are represented by
light grayscales.
mbsystem(1), mbm_grdplot(1), mbgrid(1), mbmosaic(1),
mbm_grid(1), mbm_grdtiff(1), gmt(1), grdimage(1)
Let us know.
Last Updated: 28 September 2013
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