Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbctdlist - List CTD data in swath sonar data files.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbctdlist [-A -Ddecimate -Fformat -Gdelimeter -H -Ifile -Ooutput_format -V -Zsegment]DESCRIPTION
MBctdlist prints the specified contents of CTD records in a swath sonar data file to stdout. CTD stands for conductivity, temperature, and depth (pressure). Some seafoor mapping sonar platforms (e.g. ROVs or AUVs) carry CTDs. The CTD data may be included in the sonar data stream to enable calculation of water sound speed for use in sonar settings and/or data processing. In addition to the raw conductivity (S/m), temperature (degree C), and pressure (dBar) data, salinity (ppu), depth (m), and water sound speed (m/s) are typically available by calculation.MBctdlist can also output navigation and time stamp values. By default, mbctdlist produces ASCII files in spreadsheet style, with data columns separated by tabs. Alternatively, other column delimiters can be used (-G option), or the output can be binary, with each field represented as a double precision float (-A option). The option -Ooutput_format is used to control the data types that are sent to stdout. The output stream can be decimated using the -D option. The output of mbctdlist can be piped to plotting and data analysis programs.AUTHORSHIP
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
C for conductivity (S/m)
^C for sonar altitude (meters)
c for temperature (degree C)
^c for sonar depth (meters)
H for heading (degrees)
h for course made good (degrees)
J for a time string (yyyy jd hh mm ss.ssssss)
where jd is the julian day of the year
j for a time string (yyyy jd dm ss.ssssss)
where jd is the julian day of the year
and dm is the minute of the day
L for cumulative along-track distance (km)
l for cumulative along-track distance (m)
M for unix time in decimal seconds since 1/1/70 00:00:00
m for time in decimal seconds since first record
P for potential temperature (degree)
S for salinity (ppu)
^S for speed (km/hr)
s for water sound speed (m/s)
^s for speed made good (km/hr)
T for a time string (yyyy/mm/dd/hh/mm/ss)
t for a time string (yyyy mm dd hh mm ss)
U for unix time in integer seconds since 1/1/70 00:00:00
u for time in integer seconds since first record
V for ping interval (decimal seconds)
X for longitude (decimal degrees)
x for longitude (degrees + decimal minutes + E/W)
Y for latitude (decimal degrees)
y for latitude (degrees + decimal minutes + N/S)
Default output_format = TXYCc^cSs (Time, lon, lat, conductivity, temperature, depth, salinity, sound speed).
mbctdlist -i 20080904_231809p.mb88 -OMXYS | more
The output will be as follows:
1220570288.486000 -129.066699 47.997246 34.305
1220570288.685999 -129.066702 47.997245 34.304
1220570288.885999 -129.066706 47.997244 34.305
1220570289.086000 -129.066710 47.997243 34.305
1220570289.286000 -129.066713 47.997242 34.304
Last Updated: 3 June 2013