Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mb7k2jstar - extracts subbottom profiler and/or sidescan sonar data from Reson 7k format data files into Edgetech Jstar format data files.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mb7k2jstar [-Ifile -Atype -Bbottompickmode/bottompickthreshold -C -Fformat -Lstartline/lineroot -M -Ooutfile -Rroutefile -X -H -V]DESCRIPTION
MB7k2jstar is a utility that extracts Edgetech subbottom profiler and sidescan data from Reson 7k format (MBIO format 88) data and outputs in the Edgetech Jstar format (MBIO formats 132 and 133). By default, mb7k2jstar extracts all channels of sonar data from the Reson 7k file to the Edgetech Jstar file. Edgetech sonar systems may include dual frequency sidescans and a subbottom profiler. Users may use the -A option to specify which channels are extracted. MB7k2jstar operates on single input files or on datalists. By default there will be a separate output file for every input file, but if the -O option is used to specify an output file, data from all input files will be directed to that single output file.The extracted Jstar data file(s) can be organized three ways. If the -O option is used to specify a single Jstar output file, then all of the Jstar data will be output to that single file. If the -R option is used to specify a survey route file that includes the waypoints covered while collecting the data file(s) referenced by -Ifile, then the output Jstar data will be broken up by the sequential lines defined by the waypoints. In this case each output Jstar file will be named using the line root name specified by -Lstartline/lineroot with a sequential line number starting from startline. If neither the -O or -L options are used, each input swath file will have a corresponding Jstar output file.
When the user specifies that all Edgetech sidescan and subbottom data be extracted but does not specify the output file name, the output files will have the "*.jsf" suffix recognized by Edgetech software. If the -A1 option is used to specify that only low frequency sidescan be extracted, the output files will have an "*.mb132" suffix. If the -A1 option is used to specify that only high frequency sidescan be extracted, the output files will have an "*.mb133" suffix.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
In order to extract all of the Edgetech sonar data into a Jstar file, one can use
mb7k2jstar with no special arguments:
mb7k2jstar -I 20040722_152111.s7k
which yields the following output:
Data records read from: 20050418_150155.s7k
Survey: 990
File Header: 1
Bluefin CTD: 989
Bluefin Nav: 760
Subbottom: 989
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 989
Data records written to: 20050418_150155.jsf
Subbottom: 989
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 989
One may also extract just the low frequency sidescan by using the -A1 option:
mb7k2jstar -I 20040722_152111.s7k -A1
which yields the following output:
Data records read from: 20050418_150155.s7k
Survey: 990
File Header: 1
Bluefin CTD: 989
Bluefin Nav: 760
Subbottom: 989
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 989
Data records written to: 20050418_150155.mb132
Subbottom: 0
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 0
One may also extract just the high frequency sidescan by using the -A2 option:
mb7k2jstar -I 20040722_152111.s7k -A2
which yields the following output:
Data records read from: 20050418_150155.s7k
Survey: 990
File Header: 1
Bluefin CTD: 989
Bluefin Nav: 760
Subbottom: 989
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 989
Data records written to: 20050418_150155.mb132
Subbottom: 0
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 0
2527 records output to segy file 20040722_154429.s7k.segy
Users may process multiple Reson 7k files by inputting a datalist, or list of
swath data files. All of the extracted data records can be output to a single
file by specifying the output file with the -O option. For example, if
one has a datalist file called datalistp.mb-1 that references three Reson 7k files:
20050418_150155p.mb88 88
20050418_151812p.mb88 88
and one wants all the low frequency sidescan data collated into a single
Jstar data file called 20050418_sslow.mb132, then use the following command:
mb7k2jstar -A1 -I datalistp.mb-1 -O 20050418_sslow.mb132
which yields the following output:
Data records to extract:
Low Sidescan
Data records read from: 20050418_150155p.mb88
Survey: 990
File Header: 2
Bluefin CTD: 989
Bluefin Nav: 760
Subbottom: 989
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 989
Data records written to: 20050418_sslow.mb132
Subbottom: 0
Low Sidescan: 990
High Sidescan: 0
Data records read from: 20050418_151812p.mb88
Survey: 741
File Header: 2
Bluefin CTD: 741
Bluefin Nav: 563
Subbottom: 741
Low Sidescan: 742
High Sidescan: 741
Data records written to: 20050418_sslow.mb132
Subbottom: 0
Low Sidescan: 742
High Sidescan: 0
Total data records read from: 20050418_151812p.mb88
Survey: 1731
File Header: 4
Bluefin CTD: 1730
Bluefin Nav: 1323
Subbottom: 1730
Low Sidescan: 1732
High Sidescan: 1730
Total data records written to: 20050418_sslow.mb132
Subbottom: 0
Low Sidescan: 1732
High Sidescan: 0
Last Updated: 3 June 2013