Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbmask, mbdumpesf - Output text version of beam edits from a binary edit save file.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbdumpesf -Ifile [-V -H]DESCRIPTION
Swath bathymetry data is typically edited either with interactive tools such as mbedit or automatic filters such as mbclean. In MB-System, the beam flags are stored in binary "edit save files" (file suffix ".esf"). The program mbdumpesf reads esf files and outputs each of the edit events as a text line to stdout.AUTHORSHIP
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryMBDUMPESF OPTIONS
EDITS READ: i:0 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:21 action:1
EDITS READ: i:1 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:22 action:1
EDITS READ: i:2 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:23 action:1
EDITS READ: i:3 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:24 action:1
EDITS READ: i:4 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:25 action:1
EDITS READ: i:5 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:26 action:1
EDITS READ: i:6 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:27 action:1
EDITS READ: i:7 time: 947562291.799000 2008/04/22 22:26:36.799000 beam:28 action:1
Here the large time value is epoch seconds (seconds since 1/1/1970), and the
edit event action values are:
action=1: flag manually
action=2: unflag
action=3: zero - make beam null
action=4: flag by autofilter
Last Updated: 3 June 2013