Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbnavedit - Interactive navigation editor for swath sonar data.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbnavedit [-Byr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -D -Eyr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -Fformat -G -Iinfile -N -P -T -X -V -H]DESCRIPTION
MBnavedit is an interactive editor used to identify and fix problems with the navigation of swath sonar data.In the default mode the edited navigation is output to a file with the suffix ".nve" appended to the input swath data filename. The program can also be operated in a "browse" mode where no navigation is output. If saved, the edited navigation can be merged with the swath data using the program mbprocess, which outputs a processed swath data file. The mbprocess program is also used to apply bathymetry edits, recalculate bathymetry, and apply other corrections to swath bathymetry data. Users may cause mbprocess to be run automatically by specifying the -X option when starting MBnavedit.
In previous versions of MB-System (version 4.6.10 or earlier), MBnavedit produced output swath data files directly by reading and storing all of the swath data information in memory (including non-survey data records). This approach limited the amount of data that could be handled at once, frequently requiring users to process files in small pieces. The current version only stores and outputs the navigation data.
Once the navigation from a swath data file has been read in, MBnavedit displays autoscaled plots of the longitude, latitude, speed, heading, and sonar depth time series, along with a plot of the time interval between navigation values. The user may select outliers and interpolate over them or, in the case of heading or speed data, replace the erroneous values with estimates derived from "course-made-good" or "speed-made-good", respectively. Data can only be selected and altered in a single plot at a time (this avoids confusion and prevents mistakes).
The nature of the navigation data being edited depends upon the data format. Some data formats include the navigation in the same data records as the ping or survey data. This synchronous navigation implies that either in the sonar or in later processing, the raw navigation has been interpolated to yield values at the same time stamps as the sonar pings. Other data formats do not hold navigation values in the survey data records, and instead use separate navigation records with different time stamps. This asynchronous navigation requires that MBIO interpolate or extrapolate the navigation as the survey data records are read. For data formats with synchronous navigation, the navigation values edited using MBnavedit are those in the survey data records. For data formats with only asynchronous navigation, MBnavedit displays and operates on the values from the navigation records. The MBIO manual page includes a listing of which type of navigation is used by the supported data formats.
For some data formats, the user can also inspect plots of roll, pitch, and heaved data to determine if the ship's vertical reference sensors were working properly.
The edited data is usually output to a file, but the program can be operated in a "browse" mode where no data is output.
Three algorithms for obtaining and using smooth navigation models are available. Replacing the original navigation with a smoothed version can be advantageous in some cases of very noisy navigation (typically from sonars on towed platforms or submerged vehicles). The first smoothing scheme is the covolution of a Gaussian kernal of user-defined time width with the data. Users may select and flag outlier navigation points; any flagged points are not used to calculate the Gaussian-weighted mean navigation values. The second approach is simple dead reckoning from the initial position using the current (possibly edited) heading and speed values. The dead reckoning navigation can also incorporate user-specified longitude and latitude drift rates. The third algorithm is an inversion for a smooth navigation that minimizes speed and acceleration while fitting the original navigation in a least squares sense. The inversion weighting against speed and acceleration are user specified, and only unflagged navigation values are used in the inversion.
The time interval plot allows users to spot problems with time stamps and to change the time stamps, if necessary. The most obvious time stamp errors are multiple pings with the same time stamps (producing a zero time interval value), or sequential pings with decreasing time stamps (resulting in negative time interval values). MBnavedit provides two tools for dealing with zero or negative time intervals: time stamp interpolation or deletion of the affected pings. Control dialogs allow users to apply either to the entire buffer at once. Time stamp interpolation may also be accomplished by selecting the relevant values in the time interval display, and then selecting interpolation.
If the navigation is asynchronous, that generally means the time interval should be constant since navigation systems are set to output values at a uniform rate. A problem with the time stamps of asynchronous navigation should produce spikes in both the time interval plot and the speed-made-good plot, and can be solved by selecting the offending point in the time interval plot and interpolating to reset the time stamp.
If the navigation is synchronous with the sonar pings, then the time interval will likely vary because the ping rate for most sonars varies with the sonars altitude above the seafloor. In this case, time stamp problems will not produce spikes in the speed-made-good plot because the navigation has been interpolated using the existing time stamps. Time interval spikes may also reflect problems with the sonar (e.g. occasional failure to ping at the appropriate time) rather than erroneous time stamps.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
-B yr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc
Sets the starting time for data allowed in the input data; pings with times before the starting time will be ignored. Default: yr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc = 1962/2/21/10/30/0.
Last Updated: 3 June 2013