MB-System Unix Manual Page


Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 17 September 2013


mbset - Sets values in mbprocess parameter files.



Version 5.0



mbset -Iinfile [-E -L -PPARAMETER:value -V -H]



mbset is a utility for creating and modifying mbprocess parameter files.

The program mbprocess can perform a variety of swath data processing functions in a single step (producing a single output swath data file), including:
     - Merge edited navigation generated by mbnavedit.
     - Apply bathymetry edit flags from mbedit
       and mbclean
     - Recalculate bathymetry from raw travel time and
       angle data by raytracing through water sound speed
       models from mbvelocitytool or mbsvplist.
     - Apply changes to roll bias, pitch bias, heading
       bias, and draft values.
     - Recalculate sidescan from raw backscatter samples
       (Simrad multibeam data only).
     - Apply tides to bathymetry.
     - Insert metadata.

The actions of mbprocess are controlled by text parameter files. Each mbprocess parameter file contains single line commands that set processing modes and parameters. The -P option of mbset is used to modify a single mbprocess parameter command. This option can be invoked as many times as desired on the command line, allowing mbset to set multiple mbprocess processing parameters and modes. If the swath data file specified by the -Iinfile option of mbset has an existing mbprocess parameter file, then that parameter file will be read and the existing parameter values will be modified. If no mbprocess parameter file exists, then mbset starts with default processing parameters, modifies those, and then generates a new parameter file.

If the input file specified by the -I option is a single swath data file, mbset will act on that file and it's parameter file only. If the input file is a datalist, then mbset will act on all swath files extracted from the datalist (and any recursively parsed datalist files). This function allows users to easily set uniform processing parameters for large numbers of data files. The default input file is "datalist.mb-1".

The processing parameter file used by mbprocess has an ".par" suffix. In addition to mbset, these files are generated or modified by mbedit, mbnavedit, mbvelocitytool, mbnavadjust, and mbclean.

The processed output swath files produced by mbprocess are named using a convention based on the data format id. MB-System data formats are specified using two-digit or three-digit numbers (see the MBIO manual page). If an input swath data file is named "root.mbXX", where XX is the format id, then the default processed output file will be "rootp.mbXX" (e.g. mydata.mb71 -> mydatap.mb71). The "p" inserted before the ".mbXX" suffix indicates the output file has been created by mbprocess. If the input file does not follow the *.mbXX naming convention, then the output filename will just consist of the input name with "p.mbXX" added as a suffix (e.g. mydata -> mydatap.mb71)



The mbprocess parameter file commands modified by mbset are:

        causes mbprocess to set modes implicitely
        - e.g. the SVPFILE command will also set
          raytracing on even if the RAYTRACE command
          is not given [explicit mode commands required]
   FORMAT constant
        sets format id [no default]
   INFILE filename
        sets input file path [no default]
   OUTFILE filename
        sets output file path [no default]

   NAVMODE boolean
        sets navigation merging [0]
          0: navigation merge off
          1: navigation merge on
   NAVFILE filename
        sets navigation file path [no default]
   NAVFORMAT constant
        sets navigation file format [9]
        see the mbprocess man page for

        documentation of the supported

        navigation formats.

   NAVHEADING boolean
        sets heading to be merged from navigation file
        - note: heading merged from navigation before
          heading correction applied
          0: heading not changed
          1: heading merged from navigation file
   NAVSPEED boolean
        sets speed to be merged from navigation file
          0: speed not changed
          1: speed merged from navigation file
   NAVDRAFT boolean
        sets draft to be merged from navigation file
        - note: draft merged from navigation before
          draft correction applied
          0: draft not changed
          1: draft merged from navigation file
   NAVATTITUDE boolean
        sets roll, pitch and heave to be merged from
        navigation file
        - note: roll, pitch, and heave merged from
          navigation before roll bias and pitch bias
          corrections applied
          0: roll, pitch, and heave not changed
          1: roll, pitch, and heave merged from
             navigation file
   NAVINTERP boolean
        sets navigation interpolation algorithm [0]
          0: linear interpolation (recommended)
          1: spline interpolation
   NAVTIMESHIFT constant
        sets navigation time shift (seconds) [0.0]
        - note: time shift added to timestamps of
          navigation fixes read in from NAVFILE
          prior to merging

   NAVSHIFT boolean
        sets navigation offset [0]
        - note: offsets and shifts are applied to navigation
          values from both survey and navigation records, and
          are applied to navigation read in from
          NAVFILE prior to merging
        - note: offsets and shifts are NOT applied to adjusted
          navigation values from NAVADJFILE
   NAVOFFSETX constant
        sets navigation athwartship offset (meters) [0.0]
        - note: the effective navigation shift is
          (NAVOFFSETX - SONAROFFSETX), and the
          navigation is corrected by subtracting
          this effective shift.
        - note: athwartship shift is positive to
   NAVOFFSETY constant
        sets navigation fore-aft offset (meters) [0.0]
        - note: the effective navigation shift is
          (NAVOFFSETY - SONAROFFSETY), and the
          navigation is corrected by subtracting
          this effective shift.
        - note: fore-aft shift is positive forward.
   NAVOFFSETZ constant
        sets navigation vertical offset (meters) [0.0]
        - note: this value is not yet used for
        - note: vertical shift is positive down.
   NAVSHIFTLON constant
        sets navigation longitude shift (degrees) [0.0]
   NAVSHIFTLAT constant
        sets navigation latitude shift (degrees) [0.0]

        sets navigation merging from mbnavadjust [0]
        - can apply to longitude and latitude only          or longitude, latitude, and depth offset

          0: adjusted navigation merge off
          1: adjusted navigation merge on
          2: adjusted navigation and depth offset merge on
   NAVADJFILE filename
        sets adjusted navigation file path
        - this file supercedes navigation file for
          lon and lat only
        - uses mbnavadjust output
        sets adjusted navigation interpolation algorithm [0]
          0: linear interpolation (recommended)
          1: spline interpolation

        sets attitude (roll, pitch, and heave) merging [0]
        - roll, pitch, and heave merged before
          roll bias and pitch bias corrections applied
        - attitude merging from a separate file supersedes
          attitude merging from a navigation file
          0: attitude merging off
          1: attitude merging on
    ATTITUDEFILE filename
        sets attitude file path
        sets attitude file format [1]
        - attitude files can be in one of four ASCII
          table formats
          1: format is <time_d roll pitch heave>
          2: format is <yr mon day hour min sec roll pitch heave>
          3: format is <yr jday hour min sec roll pitch heave>
          4: format is <yr jday daymin sec roll pitch heave>
        - time_d = decimal seconds since 1/1/1970
        - daymin = decimal minutes start of day
        - roll = positive starboard up, degrees
        - pitch = positive forward up, degrees
        - heave = positive up, meters

        sets sonardepth merging [0]
        - sonardepth merged before
          draft corrections applied
        - sonardepth merging from a separate file supersedes
          draft merging from a navigation file
          0: sonardepth merging off
          1: sonardepth merging on
        sets sonardepth file path
        sets sonardepth file format [1]
        - sonardepth files can be in one of four ASCII
          table formats
          1: format is <time_d sonardepth>
          2: format is <yr mon day hour min sec sonardepth>
          3: format is <yr jday hour min sec sonardepth>
          4: format is <yr jday daymin sec sonardepth>
        - time_d = decimal seconds since 1/1/1970
        - daymin = decimal minutes start of day
        - sonardepth = sonar depth positive down, meters

        removes all existing data cutting commands
   DATACUT kind mode min max
        adds new data cutting command, where:
          kind = 0 : cut applied to bathymetry data
          kind = 1 : cut applied to amplitude data
          kind = 2 : cut applied to sidescan data
          mode = 0 : min and max indicate start and end
                     beam/pixel numbers between which data
                     are flagged or zeroed
          mode = 1 : min and max indicate start and end
                     acrosstrack distance (m) between which
                     data are flagged or zeroed
        adds new bathymetry data cutting command where
        min and max are the start and end beam numbers
        between which data are flagged (note that
        flagging bathymetry also flags amplitude data)
        adds new bathymetry data cutting command where
        min and max are the start and end acrosstrack
        distance (m) between which data are flagged
        (note that flagging bathymetry also flags
        amplitude data)
        adds new bathymetry data cutting command where
        all beams are flagged for pings with a ship
        or vehicle speed less than min or greater than
        max (note that flagging bathymetry also flags
        amplitude data)
        adds new amplitude data cutting command where
        min and max are the start and end beam numbers
        between which amplitude data are zeroed (note
        that zeroing amplitude data has no impact on
        bathymetry data)
        adds new amplitude data cutting command where
        min and max are the start and end acrosstrack
        distance (m) between which amplitude data are
        zeroed (note that zeroing amplitude data has
        no impact on bathymetry data)
   AMPCUTSPEED min max
        adds new amplitude data cutting command where
        all amplitude values are zeroed for pings with
        a ship or vehicle speed less than min or greater
        than max (note that zeroing amplitude data has
        no impact on bathymetry data)
   SSCUTNUMBER min max
        adds new sidescan data cutting command where
        min and max are the start and end pixel numbers
        between which sidescan data are zeroed  (note
        that zeroing sidescan data has no impact on
        bathymetry data)
        adds new sidescan data cutting command where
        min and max are the start and end acrosstrack
        distance (m) between which sidescan data are
        zeroed  (note that zeroing sidescan data has
        no impact on bathymetry data)
   SSCUTSPEED min max
        adds new sidescan data cutting command where
        all sidescan values are zeroed for pings with
        a ship or vehicle speed less than min or greater
        than max (note that zeroing sidescan data has
        no impact on bathymetry data)

        turns on reading edit save file (from mbedit) [0]
   EDITSAVEFILE filename
        sets edit save file path (from mbedit) [none]

   SVPMODE mode
        sets usage of a water sound speed model (sound
        velocity profile, or SVP) [0]
         0: bathymetry recalculation by raytracing off
         1: bathymetry recalculation by raytracing on
         2: translate depths from corrected to uncorrected
            or vice versa depending on SOUNDSPEEDREF
   SVPFILE filename
        sets SVP file path [no default]
   SSVMODE boolean
        sets surface sound velocity (SSV) mode [0]
         0: use SSV from file
         1: offset SSV from file (set by SSV command)
         2: use constant SSV (set by SSV command)
   SSV constant/offset
        sets SSV value or offset (m/s) [1500.0]
        sets handling of beam angles during
        raytracing [1]
         0: angles not changed before raytracing
         1: angles adjusted using Snell's Law for
            the difference between the surface sound
            velocity (SSV) and the sound speed at
            the sonar depth in the SVP.
         2: angles adjusted using Snell's Law and
            the sonar array geometry for the
            difference between the surface sound
            velocity (SSV) and the sound speed at
            the sonar depth in the SVP.
   TTMULTIPLY multiplier
        sets value multiplied by travel times [1.0]
        determines the handling of the sound
        speed reference for bathymetry [1]
        - note: if raytracing is turned off then
          this command implies correcting or
          uncorrecting using the SVP specified
          with the SVPFILE command
         0: produce "uncorrected" bathymetry
            referenced to a uniform 1500 m/s
            water sound speed model.
         1: produce "corrected" bathymetry
            referenced to a realistic water
            sound speed model.

        sets offsetting of bathymetry by
        per-beam statics [0]
          0: static correction off
          1: static correction on
   STATICFILE filename
        sets static per-beam file path [no default]
        - static files are two-column ascii tables
          with the beam # in column 1 and
          the depth offset in m in column 2

        sets draft correction [0]
        - note: draft merged from navigation before
          draft correction applied
          0: no draft correction
          1: draft correction by offset
          2: draft correction by multiply
          3: draft correction by offset and multiply
          4: draft set to constant
   DRAFT constant
        sets draft value (m) [0.0]
        sets value added to draft (m) [0.0]
   DRAFTMULTIPLY multiplier
        sets value multiplied by draft [1.0]

        sets heave correction [0]
        - note: heave correction by offset and/or
          multiplication is added to any lever
          heave correction, and then either used in
          bathymetry recalculation or added to
          existing bathymetry
          0: no heave correction
          1: heave correction by offset
          2: heave correction by multiply
          3: heave correction by offset and multiply
        sets value added to heave (m)
   HEAVEMULTIPLY multiplier
        sets value multiplied by heave

        sets heave correction by lever calculation [0]
        - note: lever heave correction is added to
          any heave correction by offset and/or
          multiplication, and then either used in
          bathymetry recalculation or added to
          existing bathymetry
          0: no lever calculation
          1: heave correction by lever calculation
   VRUOFFSETX constant
        sets athwartships offset of attitude sensor (m)
        - note: positive to starboard
   VRUOFFSETY constant
        sets fore-aft offset of attitude sensor (m)
        - note: positive forward
   VRUOFFSETZ constant
        sets vertical offset of attitude sensor (m)
        - note: positive down
   SONAROFFSETX constant
        sets athwartships offset of sonar receive array (m)
        - note: positive to starboard
   SONAROFFSETY constant
        sets fore-aft offset of sonar receive array (m)
        - note: positive forward
   SONAROFFSETZ constant
        sets vertical offset of sonar receive array (m)
        - note: positive down

        sets roll correction [0]
          0: no roll correction
          1: roll correction by single roll bias
          2: roll correction by separate port and
             starboard roll bias
   ROLLBIAS offset
        sets roll bias (degrees)
        sets port roll bias (degrees)
        sets starboard roll bias (degrees)

        sets pitch correction [0]
          0: no pitch correction
          1: pitch correction by pitch bias
   PITCHBIAS offset
        sets pitch bias (degrees)

        sets heading correction [no heading correction]
        - note: heading merged from navigation before
          heading correction applied
          0: no heading correction
          1: heading correction using course
             made good
          2: heading correction by offset
          3: heading correction using course
             made good and offset
        sets value added to heading (degrees)

   TIDEMODE mode
        sets tide correction [0]
        - note: tide added to bathymetry after
          all other calculations and corrections
          0: tide correction off
          1: tide correction on
   TIDEFILE filename
        sets tide file path
   TIDEFORMAT constan
        sets tide file format [1]
        - tide files can be in one of four ASCII
          table formats
          1: format is <time_d tide>
          2: format is <yr mon day hour min sec tide>
          3: format is <yr jday hour min sec tide>
          4: format is <yr jday daymin sec tide>
        - time_d = decimal seconds since 1/1/1970
        - daymin = decimal minutes start of day

   AMPCORRMODE  boolean
        sets correction of amplitude for
        amplitude vs grazing angle function
          0: amplitude correction off
          1: amplitude correction on
   AMPCORRFILE filename
        sets amplitude correction file path
        [no default]
        sets sidescan correction type [0]
          0: correction by subtraction (dB scale)
          1: correction by division (linear scale)
        forces correction function to be symmetric [1]
   AMPCORRANGLE constant
        sets amplitude correction reference angle
        (deg) [30.0]
        sets amplitude correction slope mode [0]
          0: local slope ignored in calculating correction
          1: local slope used in calculating correction
          2: topography grid used in calculating correction
             but slope ignored
          3: local slope from topography grid used in
             calculating correction

   SSCORRMODE  boolean
        sets correction of sidescan for
        amplitude vs grazing angle function
          0: sidescan correction off
          1: sidescan correction on
   SSCORRFILE filename
        sets sidescan correction file path
        [no default]
        sets sidescan correction type [0]
          0: correction by subtraction (dB scale)
          1: correction by division (linear scale)
        forces correction function to be symmetric [1]
   SSCORRANGLE constant
        sets sidescan correction reference angle
        (deg) [30.0]
        sets sidescan correction slope mode [0]
          0: local slope ignored in calculating correction
          1: local slope used in calculating correction
          2: topography grid used in calculating correction
             but slope ignored
          3: local slope from topography grid used in
             calculating correction
        Sets topography grid used for correcting amplitude
        and sidescan

   SSRECALCMODE  boolean
        sets recalculation of sidescan for
        Simrad multibeam data
          0: sidescan recalculation off
          1: sidescan recalculation on
   SSPIXELSIZE constant
        sets recalculated sidescan pixel size (m) [0.0]
        - a zero value causes the pixel size to
          be recalculated for every data record
   SSSWATHWIDTH  constant
        sets sidescan swath width (degrees) [0.0]
        - a zero value causes the swath width
          to be recalculated for every data record
   SSINTERPOLATE  constant
        sets sidescan interpolation distance
        (number of pixels)

   METAVESSEL string
        sets mbinfo metadata string for vessel
        sets mbinfo metadata string for vessel
        operator institution or company
        sets mbinfo metadata string for sonar
        platform (ship or vehicle)
   METASONAR string
        sets mbinfo metadata string for sonar
        model name
        sets mbinfo metadata string for sonar
        version (usually software version)
        sets mbinfo metadata string for institutional
        cruise id
        sets mbinfo metadata string for descriptive
        cruise name
   METAPI string
        sets mbinfo metadata string for principal
        sets mbinfo metadata string for principal
   METACLIENT string
        sets mbinfo metadata string fo data owner
        (usually PI institution)
        sets mbinfo metadata boolean for sound
        velocity corrected depths
        sets mbinfo metadata boolean for tide
        corrected bathymetry
        sets mbinfo metadata boolean for manually
        edited bathymetry
        sets mbinfo metadata boolean for automatically
        edited bathymetry
   METAROLLBIAS constant
        sets mbinfo metadata constant for roll bias
        (degrees + to starboard)
        sets mbinfo metadata constant for pitch bias
        (degrees + forward)
        sets mbinfo metadata constant for heading bias
   METADRAFT constant
        sets mbinfo metadata constant for vessel draft (m)

   KLUGE001 boolean
        enables correction of travel times in
        Hydrosweep DS2 data from the R/V Maurice
        Ewing in 2001 and 2002.
   KLUGE002 boolean
        enables correction of draft values in
        Simrad data
        - some Simrad multibeam data has had an
          error in which the heave has bee added
          to the sonar depth (draft for hull
          mounted sonars)
        - this correction subtracts the heave
          value from the sonar depth
   KLUGE003 boolean
        enables correction of beam angles in
        SeaBeam 2112 data
        - a data sample from the SeaBeam 2112 on
          the USCG Icebreaker Healy (collected on
          23 July 2003) was found to have an error
          in which the beam angles had 0.25 times
          the roll added
        - this correction subtracts 0.25 * roll
          from the beam angles before the bathymetry
          is recalculated by raytracing through a
          water sound velocity profile
        - the mbprocess parameter files must be
          set to enable bathymetry recalculation
          by raytracing in order to apply this
   KLUGE004 boolean
        deletes survey data associated with duplicate
        or reversed time tags
        - if survey data records are encountered
          with time tags less than or equal to the
          last good time tag, an error is set and
          the data record is not output to the
          processed data file.
   KLUGE005 boolean
        replaces survey record timestamps with
        timestamps of corresponding merged navigation
        - this feature allows users to fix
          timestamp errors using MBnavedit and
          then insert the corrected timestamps
          into processed data
   KLUGE006 boolean
        changes sonar depth / draft values without

        changing bathymetry values
   KLUGE007 boolean
        processing kluge 007 (not yet defined)
        - occasionaly odd processing problems will
          occur that are specific to a particular
          survey or sonar version
        - mbprocess will allow one-time fixes to
          be defined as "kluges" that can be turned
          on through the parameter files.



MB-System also uses a number of ancillary data files, most of which relate to mbprocess in some way. By default, these ancillary data files are named by adding a short suffix to the primary data file name (e.g. ".par", ".svp", ".esf", ".nve")

The common ancillary files are listed below. The example names given here follow from an input swath data file name of mydata.mb71.

The processing parameter file used by mbprocess has an ".par" suffix. These files are generated or modified by mbset, mbedit, mbnavedit, mbvelocitytool, mbnavadjust, and mbclean.

The most prominent ancillary files are metadata or "inf" files (created from the output of mbinfo). Programs such as mbgrid and mbm_plot try to check "inf" files to see if the corresponding data files include data within desired areas. The program mbprocess automatically generates an "inf" file for any processed output swath file. Also, the program mbdatalist is often used to create or update "inf" files for large groups of swath data files.

The "fast bath" or "fbt" files are generated by copying the swath bathymetry to a sparse, quickly read format (format 71). Programs such as mbgrid, mbswath, and mbcontour will try to read "fbt" files instead of the full data files whenever only bathymetry information are required. The program mbprocess automatically generates an "fbt" file for any processed output swath file. Also, the program mbdatalist is often used to create or update "fbt" files for large groups of swath data files. These files are not generated or used when the original swath data is already in a compact bathymetry-only data format.

The "fast nav" or "fnv" files are just ASCII lists of navigation generated using mblist with a -OtMXYHSc option. Programs such as mbgrid, mbswath, and mbcontour will try to read "fnv" files instead of the full data files whenever only navigation information are required. These files are not generated or used when the original data is already in a single-beam or navigation data format.

The bathymetry edit save file generated by mbedit and mbclean has an ".esf" suffix.

A water sound velocity profile (SVP) file generated by mbvelocitytool has an ".svp" suffix unless the user specifies otherwise.

Water sound velocity profile (SVP) files generated by mbsvplist also use the ".svp" suffix. However, multiple SVP files may be extracted from each input swath file, so the files are numbered using a "_YYY.svp" suffix, where YYY increments from 001.

Edited navigation files generated by mbnavedit have an ".nve" suffix:
These navigation files can be read independently using format 166.

Adjusted navigation files generated by mbnavadjust have an ".naY" suffix, where "Y" is a number between 0-9. The mbnavadjust package may be used multiple times for a survey; the adjustments are numbered sequentially from "0":
and so on. These navigation files can be read independently using format 166.



David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)

  Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)

  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory




This option causes mbset to require all processing modes to be explicitly set by -P calls. Normally, mbset will implicitly set some modes based on the parameters applied. For example, if a user applies -PSVPFILE:best.svp, mbset would normally set the bathymetry recalculation mode on so that the SVP file specified actually gets used.
Swath data file for which an mbprocess parameter file will be created or updated, or a datalist file containing a list of input swath data files and/or other datalist files. If infile is a datalist file, then mbset will attempt to update or create the parameter files for all swath data files identified by recursively reading infile. Default infile: datalist.mb-1

If given once, this option causes mbset to look for any edit save files and navigation files with expected names and set the mbprocess parameters so that these files are used. If multiple navigation files are available (reflecting use of mbnavedit and one or more uses of mbnavadjust), then the latest (highest numbered) mbnavadjust solution is used. If -L is given twice, mbset will also look for any SVP files with expected names and set the mbprocess parameters so that these files are used for recalculating bathymetry by raytracing. If multiple SVP files are available (reflecting use of mbsvplist and mbvelocitytool), then the file derived from mbvelocitytool is used. If -L is given three times or more, then mbset will not look for any ancillary files, but instead reset the paths to all output files to be "local", meaning located in the same directory as the input file. This special option allows users to fix parameter files containing full paths for output files (as generated by early versions of this program).
This "help" flag causes the program to print out a description of its operation and then exit immediately.
PARAMETER:value The -P option of mbset is used to modify a single mbprocess parameter command. Here PARAMETER may be any of the processing parameter names listed above, and value is the corresponding value to be set. This option can be invoked as many times as desired on the command line, allowing mbset to set multiple mbprocess processing parameters and modes. The separater between PARAMETER and value can be either ':' or '='. Only the first ':' or '=' acts as a separater; later instances of these characters are taken as part of value.
Normally, mbset works "silently" without outputting anything to the stderr stream. If the -V flag is given, then mbset works in a "verbose" mode and outputs the program version being used and lists the processing parameters output to the mbprocess parameter file.



Suppose the user has a Simrad EM120 data file called "0051_20010829_223755.mb57" that requires processing.

Editing the bathymetry data in this file with mbedit will generate an edit save file "0051_20010829_223755.mb57.esf" and an mbprocess parameter file "0051_20010829_223755.mb57.par". The contents of the parameter file are:

 ## MB-System processing parameter file
 ## Written by mb_pr_writepar version $Id: mbset.1 2153 2013-09-22 07:05:09Z caress $
 ## MB-system Version 5.0.beta22
 ## Generated by user <caress> on cpu <menard> at <Fri Sep  6 21:27:41 2002>
 ## Forces explicit reading of parameter modes.
 ## General Parameters:
 INFILE /data/0051_20010829_223755.mb57
 OUTFILE /data/0051_20010829_223755p.mb57
 ## Navigation Merging:
 NAVFILE /data/0051_20010829_223755.mb57.nve
 ## Navigation Offsets and Shifts:
 NAVOFFSETX 0.000000
 NAVOFFSETY 0.000000
 NAVOFFSETZ 0.000000
 ## Adjusted Navigation Merging:
 ## Attitude Merging:
 ## Sonardepth Merging:
 ## Data cutting:
 ## Bathymetry Flagging:
 EDITSAVEFILE /data/0051_20010829_223755.mb57.esf
 ## Bathymetry Recalculation:
 SSV 0.000000
 TTMULTIPLY 1.000000
 ## Draft Correction:
 DRAFT 0.000000
 ## Heave Correction:
 ## Lever Correction:
 VRUOFFSETX 0.000000
 VRUOFFSETY 0.000000
 VRUOFFSETZ 0.000000
 ## Roll Correction:
 ROLLBIAS 0.000000
 ## Pitch Correction:
 PITCHBIAS 0.000000
 ## Heading Correction:
 ## Tide Correction:
 ## Amplitude Correction:
 ## Sidescan Correction:
 SSCORRANGLE 30.000000
 ## Sidescan Recalculation:
 ## Metadata Insertion:
 METADRAFT 0.000000
 ## Processing Kluges:

Editing the navigation with mbnavedit will generate a navigation file named "0051_20010829_223755.mb57.nve" and will modify the parameter file. The changed lines in "0051_20010829_223755.mb57.par" are:

 ## Navigation Merging:
 NAVFILE /data/0051_20010829_223755.mb57.nve

At this point, running mbprocess on "0051_20010829_223755.mb57" will apply the bathymetry flags from mbedit and merge the navigation from mbnavedit, but will not modify the data in any other way.

If the user wants to recalculate the bathymetry using an SVP file "0051_20010829_223755.mb57.svp" and a roll bias correction of +0.5 degrees, the following will suffice:

        mbset -I 0051_20010829_223755.mb57                -PSVPFILE:0051_20010829_223755.mb57.svp                -PROLLBIAS:0.5                -PDRAFT:1.95                -V

The affected lines in "0051_20010829_223755.mb57.par" are:

 ## Bathymetry Recalculation:
 SVPFILE 0051_20010829_223755.mb57.svp
 SSV 0.000000
 TTMULTIPLY 1.000000
 ## Draft Correction:
 DRAFT 1.950000
 ## Roll Correction:
 ROLLBIAS 0.500000

To process the data, run mbprocess:

        mbprocess -I0051_20010829_223755.mb57 -V

 The output to the terminal is:
 Program mbprocess
 Version $Id: mbset.1 2153 2013-09-22 07:05:09Z caress $
 MB-System Version 5.0.beta07

 Program <mbprocess>
 Version $Id: mbset.1 2153 2013-09-22 07:05:09Z caress $
 MB-system Version 5.0.beta07

 Program Operation:
   Input file:      0051_20010829_223755.mb57
   Format:          57
   Files processed only if out of date.
   Comments embedded in output.

 Data processed - out of date:
  Input:  0051_20010829_223755.mb57
  Output: 0051_20010829_223755p.mb57

 Input and Output Files:
   Format:                        57
   Input file:                    0051_20010829_223755.mb57
   Output file:                   0051_20010829_223755p.mb57
   Comments in output: ON

 Navigation Merging:
   Navigation merged from navigation file.
   Heading merged from navigation file.
   Speed merged from navigation file.
   Draft merged from navigation file.
   Navigation file:               0051_20010829_223755.mb57.nve
   Navigation algorithm:          linear interpolation
   Navigation time shift:         0.000000

 Navigation Offsets and Shifts:
   Navigation positions not shifted.

 Adjusted Navigation Merging:
   Navigation not merged from adjusted navigation file.
   Adjusted navigation file:
   Adjusted navigation algorithm: linear interpolation

 Data Cutting:
   Data cutting disabled.

 Bathymetry Editing:
   Bathymetry edits applied from file.
   Bathymetry edit file:          0051_20010829_223755.mb57.esf

 Bathymetry Recalculation:
   Bathymetry recalculated by raytracing.
   SVP file:                      0051_20010829_223755.mb57.svp
   SSV not modified.
   SSV offset/constant:           0.000000 m/s
   Travel time multiplier:        1.000000 m

 Bathymetry Water Sound Speed Reference:
   Output bathymetry reference:   CORRECTED
   Depths recalculated as corrected

 Draft Correction:
   Draft set to constant.
   Draft constant:                1.950000 m
   Draft offset:                  0.000000 m
   Draft multiplier:              1.000000 m

 Heave Correction:
   Heave not modified.
   Heave offset:                  0.000000 m
   Heave multiplier:              1.000000 m

 Lever Correction:
   Lever calculation off.

 Tide Correction:
   Tide calculation off.

 Roll Correction:
   Roll offset by bias.
   Roll bias:                     0.500000 deg
   Port roll bias:                0.000000 deg
   Starboard roll bias:           0.000000 deg

 Pitch Correction:
   Pitch not modified.
   Pitch bias:                    0.000000 deg

 Heading Correction:
   Heading not modified.
   Heading offset:                0.000000 deg

 Amplitude Corrections:
   Amplitude correction off.

 Sidescan Corrections:
   Sidescan correction off.

 Sidescan Recalculation:
   Sidescan not recalculated.
   Sidescan pixel size:           0.000000
   Sidescan swath width:          0.000000
   Sidescan interpolation:        0

 Metadata Insertion:
   Metadata vessel:
   Metadata institution:
   Metadata platform:
   Metadata sonar:
   Metadata sonarversion:
   Metadata cruiseid:
   Metadata cruisename:
   Metadata pi:
   Metadata piinstitution:
   Metadata client:
   Metadata svcorrected:          -1
   Metadata tidecorrected         -1
   Metadata batheditmanual        -1
   Metadata batheditauto:         -1
   Metadata rollbias:             0.000000
   Metadata pitchbias:            0.000000
   Metadata headingbias:          0.000000
   Metadata draft:                0.000000

 236 navigation records read
 Nav start time: 2001 08 29 22:38:02.082999
 Nav end time:   2001 08 29 23:37:22.322000

 47 bathymetry edits read

 236 input data records
 3587 input nav records
 17 input comment records
 6617 input other records
 236 output data records
 3587 output nav records
 64 output comment records
 6617 output other records

 Generating inf file for 0051_20010829_223755p.mb57



mbsystem(1), mbprocess(1), mbedit(1), mbnavedit(1), mbvelocitytool(1)



Oh yeah...




Last Updated: 17 September 2013

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