MB-System Unix Manual Page
Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbm_grdplot - Create an executable shellscript which will generate
a GMT map of gridded data in a GMT grd file.
Version 5.0
mbm_grdplot -Ifile
-Gcolor_mode -H
-Oroot -Ppagesize
-S[color/shade] -T
-Uorientation -V
-W[color_style[/palette[ncolors]] | cptfile] ]
Additional Options:
-Jprojection[/scale | width]
-Ltitle[:scale_label] -Mmisc
-Q -Rw/e/s/n -X -Y
-Zmin/max[/mode] ]
Miscellaneous Options:
[-MGDgmtdef/value -MGFscale_loc
-MGQdpi -MGSscalefactor
-MCGgap/width -MCQcut
-MCT[+|-][gap/length][:LH] -MCWtype[pen]
-MNA[nhgt[/P] | P]
-MNFformat -MNIswathdata
-MNN[ttick/tannot/dannot/tlen[/nhgt] | F | FP]
-MTCfill -MTDresolution
-MTGfill -MTIriver[/pen]
-MTNborder[/pen] -MTSfill
-MXGfill -MXIxy_file
-MXSsymbol/size -MXWpen]
mbm_grdplot is a macro that generates a
shellscript of GMT commands which,
when executed, will generate a Postscript plot of gridded
data. Several styles of plots can be generated, including
color fill maps, contour maps, color fill maps overlaid with
contours, shaded relief color maps, slope magnitude maps,
coastline maps, text labels, and xy data
in lines or symbols. Five different color schemes are included.
The plot will be scaled to fit on the specified page size
or, if the scale is user defined, the page size will be
chosen in accordance with the plot size. The primary purpose
of this macro is to allow the simple, semi-automated
production of nice looking maps with a few command line
arguments. For users seeking more control over the plot
appearance, a number of additional optional arguments are
provided. Truly ambitious users may edit the plot shellscript
to take advantage of GMT capabilities not supported by this
macro. A companion macro mbm_grd3dplot can be used
similarly to generate 3D perspective views of gridded data.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- -A
Sets the parameters which control the
synthetic illumination of the gridded data (shaded relief).
The value magnitude
is an effective vertical exageration which modulates the intensity of
the shading; typical values are in the 0.1 to 10 range.
The value azimuth
is the azimuth in degrees from north from which the data is illuminated.
The value elevation is the elevation of the illumination
in degrees from horizontal.
Defaults: magnitude = 0.2; azimuth = 0.0;
elevation = 30.0;
- -C
If -C is given alone, it causes unannotated contours
to be drawn using a contour interval calculated from the
data. The user may also use contour_control
to specify the contour interval. See the COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF OPTIONS
section below for a more complete discussion.
- -D
Normally, the color or grayscale tables used for color maps run from
cool colors (or dark grays) for low grid values
to hot colors (or light grays) for high grid values.
This option reverses the color table so that cool colors (dark grays)
correspond to high values and hot colors (light grays) to low values.
If -D is given alone, it applies to the color table used
for color or gray fill plots, shaded or unshaded. If the plot
is to be shaded, either by synthetic illumination (-G2)
or using an intensity file (-K and -G3 options), then
setting flipshade = 1 will cause the shading convention
to be reversed (e.g. high intensities overlaid as light shading).
Using -D0/1 will flip the shading convention
but leave the default color convention.
- -G
Turns on color fill plot and sets the style of the plot.
color_mode = 1: Color/gray fill.
color_mode = 2: Color/gray fill shaded by
synthetic illumination.
color_mode = 3: Color/gray fill shaded by
an intensity file. The -K
option must be used to specify
the intensity file.
color_mode = 4: Color/gray fill of slope
color_mode = 5: Color/gray fill shaded by
slope magnitude.
- -H
This "help" flag cause the program to print out a description
of its operation and then exit immediately.
- -I
Sets the name of the gridded data file to be plotted.
Alternatively, grdfile may be a list of grid files
(one filename on each line) to be plotted together.
- -K
Sets the name of the gridded data file containing
intensity values to be used for shading the map.
Alternatively, grdfile may be a list of grid files
(one filename on each line) to be used together. If a
list of file is supplied, the intensity files must
conform in order to the data grid files they will shade.
- -O
Sets the root used to construct the filename of the output shellscript
(root.cmd) and names of files created when the shellscript is
run. Normally the
name of the input grid file or grid file list is
used as the root.
- -P
This option sets the size of the page the plot will be centered
on. If the user does not set the plot scale, the plot will be
sized as large as will fit on the designated page. If the user
sets the plot scale such that the plot will not fit on the
designated page, a larger page will be used.
The supported page sizes include ANSI A, B, C, D, E,
F, and E1, as well as most metric page sizes. See the
below for a complete list of
the supported page sizes. The default page size is A.
- -S
This option enables effective histogram equalization of the
color and/or shading of the gridded data. The equalization is
not achieved by changing the data values, but rather by
constructing the color or shading tables so that
the boundaries in the tables encompass equal fractions of
the datapoints. This serves to focus color or shading contrasts
in value ranges corresponding to the bulk of the data values.
If -S is given alone or with color = 1,
it enables equalization of the color table used
for color or gray fill plots, shaded or unshaded. If the plot
is to be shaded, either by synthetic illumination (-G2)
or using an intensity file (-K and -G3 options), then
setting shade = 1 will cause the shading to be equalized.
Using -S0/1 will equalize the shading without
equalizing the color table.
- -T
If -T is given, it causes a coastline to be drawn
on the map. The default is to draw the coastline as the thinnest possible
line. To exercise greater control of
the coastline plotting, including color fill of "dry" areas and
display of lakes, rivers, and political boundaries, use the
-MTN, -MTS, and -MTW options described in the
- -U
Normally the orientation of the plot (portrait or landscape)
is selected automatically so as to maximize the plot scale.
The -U option allows the user to set the plot orientation. If
orientation = 1, a portrait plot will be produced; if
orientation = 2, a landscape plot will be produced.
- -V
Causes mbm_grdplot to operate in "verbose" mode
so that it outputs
more information than usual.
- -W
[color_style[/palette[ncolors]] | cptfile]
This option controls the color scheme used for color
fill plots.
If color_style = 1 [default], then
the color scheme used will be a continuous grading
of colors. If color_style = 2, the color scheme
will be a set of discrete color intervals. The color
palette used is set using palette. Five palettes
are available:
palette = 1: Haxby colors [default]
palette = 2: high Intensity colors
palette = 3: low Intensity colors
palette = 4: grayscale
palette = 5: uniform grayscale
A complete description of the color palettes is given
The ncolors parameter sets the number of color
values used in plotting, whether the colors are
represented in a continuous color scale or a
stepped, discrete color scale [default is 11].
If the option argument is the path to an existing GMT
color palette (CPT) file, then that CPT file and its
color scheme will be used for the plot
- -A
Sets the parameters which control the
synthetic illumination of the gridded data (shaded relief).
The value magnitude
is an effective vertical exageration which modulates the intensity of
the shading; typical values are in the 0.1 to 0.5 range.
The value azimuth
is the azimuth from which the data is illuminated.
Defaults: magnitude = 0.2; azimuth = 0.0;
- -B
Sets map boundary tickmark intervals. See the psbasemap
manual page for details. By default the program chooses
basemap annotations based on the map boundaries.
- -C
If -C is given alone, it causes unannotated contours
to be drawn using a contour interval calculated from the
data. If contour_control is given, it specifies
the contours to be drawn in one of
three possible ways:
If contour_control has the suffix ".cpt" and
can be opened as a file, it is assumed
to be a color palette table. The color boundaries
are then used as contour levels.
If the cpt-file has anotation flags in the last
column then those contours will be
anotated. By default no contours are labeled; use
-MCA to anotate all contours.
If contour_control is a file but not a
cpt-file, it is expected to contain contour levels
in column 1 and a C(ontour) OR A(nnotate) in col 2.
The levels marked C (or c) are contoured,
the levels marked A (or a) are contoured and
annotated. Optionally, a third column may be
present and contain the fixed anotation angle for
this contour level.
If no file is found, then contour_control is
interpreted as a constant contour interval.
If a file is given and -MCT is set,
then only contours marked with upper case
C or A will have tickmarks.
- -D
Normally, the color or grayscale tables used for color maps run from
cool colors (or dark grays) for low grid values
to hot colors (or light grays) for high grid values.
This option reverses the color table so that cool colors (dark grays)
correspond to high values and hot colors (light grays) to low values.
If -D is given alone, it applies to the color table used
for color or gray fill plots, shaded or unshaded. If the plot
is to be shaded, either by synthetic illumination (-G2)
or using an intensity file (-K and -G3 options), then
setting flipshade = 1 will cause the shading convention
to be reversed (e.g. high intensities overlaid as light shading).
Using -D0/1 will flip the shading convention
but leave the default color convention.
- -F
Sets the name of the file to use for generating contour lines.
The default is to use the file being plotted, but in some situations,
it can be useful to specify a separate file for contouring. For example,
one might wish to overlay a backscatter mosaic with bathymetry contours,
or a shaded bathymetry map with gravity anomaly contours.
- -G
Turns on color fill plot and sets the style of the plot.
color_mode = 1: Color/gray fill.
color_mode = 2: Color/gray fill shaded by
synthetic illumination.
color_mode = 3: Color/gray fill shaded by
an intensity file. The -K
option must be used to specify
the intensity file.
color_mode = 4: Color/gray fill of slope
color_mode = 5: Color/gray fill shaded by
slope magnitude.
See the grdimage manual page for information on shading
with intensity files
- -H
This "help" flag cause the program to print out a description
of its operation and then exit immediately.
- -I
Sets the name of the gridded data file to be plotted.
The data must be in a form acceptable to GMT version 3
programs (see the GMT Cookbook & Technical Reference).
Alternatively, grdfile may be a list of grid files
(one filename on each line) to be plotted together. This
is useful when data from a region is broken up into several
grid files rather than a single very large grid file.
- -J
projection[/scale | /width]
Selects the map projection. By default the map projection is
Mercator and the plot scale is chosen to fit on the selected
page size (see -P option). The user may specify a
different projection to be used, in which case the plot scale
is still automatically chosen to fit the page. The user may
also specify both the projection and the plot scale. If
the projection specifying character is upper case, a plot
width rather than a plot scale is used.
The scale values are specified in inch/degree or in 1:xxxxx
ratios. Plot widths are specified in inches. If the user
specifies a plot scale such that the plot will not fit
on the default A size page, a appropriately larger page
size will be chosen.
-Jclon0/lat0/scale (Cassini)
-Jmscale (Mercator)
-Joalon0/lat0/azimuth/scale (Oblique Mercator - point and azimuth)
-Joblon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/scale (Oblique Mercator - two points)
-Joclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/scale (Oblique Mercator - point and pole)
-Jqlon0/scale (Equidistant Cylindrical Projection (Plate Carree))
-Jtlon0/scale (TM - Transverse Mercator)
-Juzone/scale (UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator)
-Jylon0/lats/scale (Basic Cylindrical Projection)
-Jalon0/lat0/scale (Lambert).
-Jelon0/lat0/scale (Equidistant).
-Jglon0/lat0/scale (Orthographic).
-Jslon0/lat0/scale (General Stereographic)
-Jblon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Albers)
-Jllon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/scale (Lambert)
-Jhlon0/scale (Hammer)
-Jilon0/scale (Sinusoidal)
-Jklon0/scale (Eckert VI)
-Jnlon0/scale (Robinson)
-Jrlon0/scale (Winkel Tripel)
-Jwlon0/scale (Mollweide)
-Jpscale (Linear projection for polar (theta,r) coordinates)
-Jxx-scale[l|ppow][/y-scale[l|ppow]] (Linear, log, and power scaling)
More details can be found in the psbasemap manpages.
- -K
Sets the name of the gridded data file containing
intensity values to be used for shading the map.
Alternatively, grdfile may be a list of grid files
(one filename on each line) to be used together. If a
list of files is supplied, the intensity files must
conform in order to the list of data grid files they will shade.
- -L
Sets the title and the label for the colorscale (if used) of
the plot. Note that a colon (:) rather than a slash (/) is
used to separate the labels. Colons cannot be used in the
labels themselves. If this option is not used, then a default title
and colorscale label are provided. If the title is supplied
alone, a default colorscale label will be provided. To force
no title use -L" "; to force no title or colorscale
label use -L" : ".
- -M
A series of "miscellaneous" options are provided which are
given as -M followed by a two character identifier, followed
by any other parameters associated with that option.
The -M options may be strung together separated by
colons, e.g. "-MGQ100:GU:CA200/10", which is equivalent to
"-MGQ -MGU -MCA200/10".
- -MGD
Allows the user to set the GMT default values used as
the plot is constructed. This command may be given repeatedly
to set as many GMT defaults as required. For example, to
set the basemap annotation font to Courier, use
- -MGF
Sets the location of the color scale. The possible values
of scale_loc are:
scale_loc = b: bottom of plot
scale_loc = t: top of plot
scale_loc = l: left of plot
scale_loc = r: right of plot
[Default scale_loc = b]
- -MGL
Draws a simple map scale centered
on lon0/lat0. Use -Lx to specify position in inch instead.
Scale is calculated at latitude slat, length is in km [miles if m is appended].
Use -Lf to get a "fancy" scale [Default is plain].
- -MGQ
Sets the resolution in dots per inch of the raster image used
for color fill maps. Larger values of dpi produce larger
Postscript plot files. [Default is 100].
- -MGS
The gridded data is multiplied by scalefactor.
This option is most often used flip the sign of the
data (scalefactor = -1). [Default no scaling]
- -MGT
Causes a text label to plotted on the map.
size is text size in points, angle is
measured in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal,
fontno sets the font type, justify sets the alignment.
If fontno starts with a leading hyphen, then
the remainder of fontno is taken to be a
textstring with the desired fontname. See the
gmtdefaults man page for names and numbers of available fonts
(or run pstext -L). The alignment
number refers to the part of the textstring that will be mapped
onto the (x,y) point: 1 = Lower Left corner,
2 = Lower Center, 3 = Lower Right, 5 = Mid Left, 6 = Mid Center,
7 = Mid Right, 9 = Upper Left, 10 = Upper Center,
11 = Upper Right. This option may be given as many times as
- -MGU
Draw Unix System time stamp on plot. User may specify where the lower left corner
of the stamp should fall on the page relative to lower left corner of plot in inch [Default is (-0.75,-0.75)]. Optionally,
append a label, or c (which will plot the command string.)
- -MCA
anot_int is annotation interval in data units.
Ignored if contour levels are given in a file.
[Default is no annotations]. Several options
can be set to modify the form of the annotation.
Append ffont_size to change font size [9],
append /r/g/b to change color of text fill box
[PAGE_COLOR], append aangle to fix
annotation angle [Default follows contour],
and append 'o' to draw the outline of the
surrounding text box [Default is no outline].
- -MCG
gap/width -MCQcut
gap is distance in inch between each
annotation along the same contour.
width is number of points over which to
estimate the best fitting slope
for contour labels [Default is 4/10].
- -MCQ
Do not draw contours with less than cut number
of points [Draw all contours].
- -MCT
Will draw tickmarks pointing in the downward direction every gap along the innermost closed contours. Append gap and tickmark length (in inch) or use defaults [0.2/0.05].
User may choose to tick only local highs or local lows by specifying -T+ or -T-, respectively. Appending :LH will plot the characters L and H at the center of closed
innermost contours (local lows and highs). L and H can be any single character (e.g., LH, -+, etc.)
If a file is given by -C and -T is set,
then only contours marked with upper case C or A will have tickmarks [and anotation].
- -MCW
type, if present, can be 'a' for annotated contours or 'c' for regular contours [Default].
pen sets the attributes for the particular line. Default values for annotated contours:
width = 3, color = black, texture = solid. Regular contours have default width = 1.
- -MNA
[nhgt[/P] | P]
Turns on filename annotation of navigation tracks. If -MNA is given
without specifying any controlling parameters, then the lettering height
nhgt is 0.15 and the filenames are plotted parallel to the
navigation track from the start of the track. The lettering height can be
specified using either -MNAnhgt or -MNAnhgt/P.
If -MNAP or -MNAnhgt/P is specified,
the filename will be plotted perpendicular to the navigation track.
Filename annotation can also be specified using the -N option.
Defaults: Filename annotation off.
- -MNF
Sets the data format for the input swath data specified with the -MNI
option. If format < 0, then the input file specified
with the -MNI option will actually contain a list of input swath sonar
data files. This program uses the MBIO library and will read or
write any swath sonar format supported by MBIO. A list of the
swath sonar data formats currently supported by MBIO and their
identifier values is given in the MBIO manual page.
Default: format = -1.
- -MNI
This option causes the navigation track of swath data to be
plotted. Here swathdata is the input file, and may be either
a single swath file or a list of swath files. If format > 0
(set with the -MNF option) then the swath sonar data
contained in swathdata is read and processed. If format < 0
(the default), then swathdata
is assumed to be an ascii file containing a list of the input swath sonar
data files to be processed and their formats. The program will read
the data in each one of these files.
In the swathdata file, each
data file should be followed by a data format identifier, e.g.:
datafile1 11
datafile2 24
This program uses the MBIO library and will read or write any swath sonar
format supported by MBIO. A list of the swath sonar data formats
currently supported by MBIO and their identifier values
is given in the MBIO manual page.
- -MNN
[ttick/tannot/dannot/tlen[/nhgt/nperp] | F | FP]
This option sets the annotation of the swath file navigation
plot specified using the -MNI option.
Time marks are made with "X" marks along the shiptrack; annotated
time marks show the time in HH:MM format next to the time mark
and annotated date marks show the time and julian day in
HH:MM/DDD format. The "X" marks are
tlen inches high for normal time marks and
1.5 times tlen inches high for annotated time or date
marks. The interval of time ticks, annotated time ticks, and
annotated date ticks are given in hours by
ttick, tannot, and dannot, respectively.
If the nhgt parameter is not given when the other parameters
are specified, then no filename annotation will be done. If given,
nhgt sets the height in inches of the filename annotation
and turns that annotation on. If given as 1,
nperp causes the filename annotation to be perpendicular
to the shiptrack rather than parallel (the default).
If the -MNNF is given, then
a navigation track will be generated using the default parameters
and also with filename annotation along the shiptrack. If the
-MNNFP is given, then a navigation track will be generated
with the default parameters and also with filename annotation
perpendicular to the shiptrack.
Defaults: ttick = 0.25; tannot = 1.0; dannot = 4.0;
tlen = 0.1; nhgt = 0.1; nperp = 0.
- -MNP
Turns on ping number (or shot number) annotation of navigation tracks.
Tick marks are made along the shiptrack at pingnumber_tick intervals; these
are tlen inches long. Longer tick marks are made along the
shiptrack at pingnumber_annot intervals; these are 1.5 times tlen
inches long.
Defaults: Pingnumber annotation off. If the -MNP option is given without
specifying the controlling parameters, then pingnumber_tick = 50,
pingnumber_annot = 100, and pingnumber_tick_len = 0.1.
- -MTC
Coastline plotting option.
Set the shade (0-255), color (r/g/b), or pattern
(p|Pdpi/pattern; see -MTG) for lakes [Default is the
fill chosen for "wet" areas (-S)].
- -MTD
Coastline plotting option.
Selects the resolution of the coastline data set to use ((f)ull,
(h)igh, (i)ntermediate, (1)ow, and (c)rude). The
resolution drops off by 80% between data sets. [Default
is l].
- -MTG
Coastline plotting option.
Select painting or clipping of "dry" areas. Append a
shade, color, pattern, or c for clipping. Specify the
shade (0-255) or color (r/g/b), or -MTGpdpi/pattern,
where pattern gives the number of the built-in pattern
(1-90) OR the name of a Sun 1-, 8-, or 24-bit raster
file. dpi sets the resolution of the image. See GMT
Cookbook & Technical Reference Appendix E for
information on individual patterns.
- -MTI
Coastline plotting option.
Draw rivers. Specify the type of rivers and
[optionally] append pen attributes [Default pen:
width = 1, color = 0/0/0, texture = solid]. Choose
from the list of river types below. Repeat option -I
as often as necessary.
1 = Permanent major rivers
2 = Additional major rivers
3 = Additional rivers
4 = Minor rivers
5 = Intermittent rivers - major
6 = Intermittent rivers - additional
7 = Intermittent rivers - minor
8 = Major canals
9 = Minor canals
10 = Irrigation canals
a = All rivers and canals (1-10)
r = All permanent rivers (1-4)
i = All intermittent rivers (5-7)
c = All canals (8-10)
- -MTN
Coastline plotting option.
Draw political boundaries. Specify the type of
boundary and [optionally] append pen attributes
[Default pen: width = 1, color = 0/0/0, texture =
solid]. Choose from the list of boundaries below.
Repeat option -MTN as often as necessary.
1 = National boundaries
2 = State boundaries within the Americas
3 = Marine boundaries
a = All boundaries (1-3)
- -MTS
Coastline plotting option.
Select painting or clipping of "wet" areas. Append the
shade (0-255), color (r/g/b), pattern (see -MTG), or c
for clipping.
- -MTW
Coastline plotting option.
Append pen attributes [Defaults: width = 1, color = 0/0/0,
texture = solid].
- -MXG
Select filling of symbols for xy plotting.
Set the shade (0-255) or color
(r/g/b) [Default is no fill]. To reset no fill,
use fill = "N".
For polygons, you may optionally specify
-Gpicon_size/pattern, where
pattern gives the number of the
image pattern (1-32) OR the name of a
icon-format file. icon_size sets
the unit size in inch.
To invert black and white pixels, use
-GP instead of -Gp. See
GMTs Cookbook & Technical Reference
Appendix E for information on individual patterns.
- -MXI
Specifies a file containing (x,y) pairs to be plotted
as lines or symbols. The line and symbol characteristics
are set using the last -MXG, -MXS, and -MXW
options used. All of the -MX commands can be
given multiple times, so by stringing series of these
commands together the user can plot different files
using different line or symbol characteristics.
[Default is a solid black line].
- -MXM
Toggles expectation for xy data files having multiple
segments, in which each segment is to be plotted
separately. Segments are separated by a
record whose first character is '>'. By default,
unsegmented files are expected. Users may give this
command multiple times, allowing some input files to
be handled as segmented and others not.
- -MXS
Selects symbol to be used for plotting the next xy data
file. Setting symbol = "N" causes line plotting.
Choose between:
- -MXSa
star. size is radius of circumscribing circle.
- -MXSb
bar extending from base to y. size is bar width. By default,
base = 0. Append /base to change this value. Append u if size
is in x-units [Default is inch].
- -MXSc
circle. size is diameter of circle.
- -MXSd
diamond. size is side of diamond.
- -MXSe
ellipse. Direction (in degrees counterclockwise from horizontal), major_axis (in inch), and minor_axis (in inch) must be found in columns 3, 4, and 5.
- -MXSf
fault. Give distance gap between ticks and ticklength in inch. If gap is
negative, it is interpreted to mean number of ticks instead. Append l or r to draw tick on
the left or right side of line [Default is centered]. Upper case L or R draws a triangle
instead of line segment.
- -MXSh
hexagon. Give side in inch.
- -MXSi
inverted triangle. Give side in inch.
- -MXSl
letter or text string. Give size in inch, and append /string after the size. Note that the size is only approximate; no individual scaling
is done for different characters. Remember to escape special characters like *.
- -MXSp
point. No size needs to be specified (1 pixel is used).
- -MXSs
square. Give side in inch.
- -MXSt
triangle. Give side in inch.
- -MXSv
vector. Direction (in degrees counterclockwise from horizontal) and length (in inch) must be found in columns 3 and 4. size,
if present, will be interpreted as arrowwidth/headlength/headwidth (in inch) [Default is 0.03/0.12/0.1 inch].
By default arrow attributes remains invariant to the length
of the arrow. To have the size of the vector scale down with decreasing size,
append nnorm, where vectors shorter than norm will have their
attributes scaled by length/norm.
Same as -MXSv, except azimuth (in degrees east of north) should be given instead of direction. The azimuth will
be mapped into an angle based on the chosen map projection (-MXSv leaves the directions
- -MXSx
cross. Give length in inch.
- -MXW
Set pen attributes for xy plotting. See chapter 4.12 in the
GMT Technical reference for a discussion of GMT pen values.
[Defaults: width = 1, color = 0/0/0,
texture = solid].
- -O
Sets the root used to construct the filename of the output shellscript
(root.cmd) and names of files created when the shellscript is
run. Normally the
name of the input grid file or grid file list is
used as the root.
- -P
This option sets the size of the page the plot will be centered
on. If the user does not set the plot scale, the plot will be
sized as large as will fit on the designated page. If the user
sets the plot scale such that the plot will not fit on the
designated page, a larger page will be used.
The supported page sizes are:
American ANSI sizes:
A 8.5 x 11.0 in. ( 215.9 x 279.4 mm)
B 11.0 x 17.0 in. ( 279.4 x 431.8 mm)
C 17.0 x 22.0 in. ( 431.8 x 558.8 mm)
D 22.0 x 34.0 in. ( 558.8 x 863.6 mm)
E 34.0 x 44.0 in. ( 863.6 x 1117.6 mm)
F 28.0 x 40.0 in. ( 711.2 x 1016.0 mm)
E1 44.0 x 68.0 in. (1117.6 x 1727.2 mm)
Metric ISO A sizes:
A0 841.0 x 1189.0 mm (33.11 x 46.81 in.)
A1 594.0 x 841.0 mm (23.39 x 33.11 in.)
A2 420.0 x 594.0 mm (16.54 x 23.39 in.)
A3 297.0 x 420.0 mm (11.69 x 16.54 in.)
A4 210.0 x 297.0 mm ( 8.27 x 11.69 in.)
A5 148.0 x 210.0 mm ( 5.83 x 8.27 in.)
A6 105.0 x 148.0 mm ( 4.13 x 5.83 in.)
A7 74.0 x 105.0 mm ( 2.91 x 4.13 in.)
A8 52.0 x 74.0 mm ( 2.05 x 2.91 in.)
A9 37.0 x 52.0 mm ( 1.46 x 2.05 in.)
A10 26.0 x 37.0 mm ( 1.02 x 1.46 in.)
Metric ISO B sizes:
B0 1000.0x 1414.0 mm (39.37 x 55.67 in.)
B1 707.0 x 1000.0 mm (27.83 x 39.37 in.)
B2 500.0 x 707.0 mm (19.68 x 27.83 in.)
B3 353.0 x 500.0 mm (13.90 x 19.68 in.)
B4 250.0 x 353.0 mm ( 9.84 x 13.90 in.)
B5 176.0 x 250.0 mm ( 6.93 x 9.84 in.)
B6 125.0 x 176.0 mm ( 4.92 x 6.93 in.)
B7 88.0 x 125.0 mm ( 3.46 x 4.92 in.)
B8 62.0 x 88.0 mm ( 2.44 x 3.46 in.)
B9 44.0 x 62.0 mm ( 1.73 x 2.44 in.)
B10 31.0 x 44.0 mm ( 1.22 x 1.73 in.)
Metric ISO C sizes:
C0 914.4 x 1300.5 mm (36.00 x 51.20 in.)
C1 650.2 x 914.4 mm (25.60 x 36.00 in.)
C2 457.2 x 650.2 mm (18.00 x 25.60 in.)
C3 325.1 x 457.2 mm (12.80 x 18.00 in.)
C4 228.6 x 325.1 mm ( 9.00 x 12.80 in.)
C5 162.6 x 228.6 mm ( 6.40 x 9.00 in.)
C6 114.3 x 162.6 mm ( 4.50 x 6.40 in.)
C7 81.3 x 114.3 mm ( 3.20 x 4.50 in.)
MB-System large format sizes:
m1 1371.6 x 1828.8 mm (54.00 x 72.00 in.)
m2 1371.6 x 2133.6 mm (54.00 x 84.00 in.)
m3 1371.6 x 2438.4 mm (54.00 x 96.00 in.)
m4 1524.0 x 1828.8 mm (60.00 x 72.00 in.)
m5 1524.0 x 2133.6 mm (60.00 x 84.00 in.)
m6 1524.0 x 2438.4 mm (60.00 x 96.00 in.)
The default page size is A.
- -Q
Normally, the output plot generation shellscript
includes lines which execute
a program to display the Postscript image on the screen.
This option causes those lines to be commented out so
that executing the shellscript produces a Postscript plot
but does not attempt to display it on the screen.
The program
to be used to display the Postscript is set
using mbdefaults;
the default value can be overridden by setting the environment
variable $MB_PS_VIEWER.
- -R
west, east, south, and north specify the Region of interest. To specify boundaries
in degrees and minutes [and seconds], use the dd:mm[:ss] format. Append r if lower left and upper right
map coordinates are given instead of wesn.
You may ask for a larger w/e/s/n region to have more room between the image and the axes.
A smaller region than specified in the grdfile will result in a subset of the grid [Default is
region given by the grdfile].
- -S
This option enables effective histogram equalization of the
color and/or shading of the gridded data. The equalization is
not achieved by changing the data values, but rather by
constructing the color or shading tables so that
the boundaries in the tables encompass equal fractions of
the datapoints. This serves to focus color or shading contrasts
in value ranges corresponding to the bulk of the data values.
If -S is given alone or with color = 1,
it enables equalization of the color table used
for color or gray fill plots, shaded or unshaded. If the plot
is to be shaded, either by synthetic illumination (-G2)
or using an intensity file (-K and -G3 options), then
setting shade = 1 will cause the shading to be equalized.
Using -S0/1 will equalize the shading without
equalizing the color table.
- -T
If -T is given, it causes a coastline to be drawn
on the map. The default is to draw the coastline as the thinnest possible
line. To exercise greater control of
the coastline plotting, including color fill of "dry" areas and
display of lakes, rivers, and political boundaries, use the
-MTN, -MTS, and -MTW options.
- -U
Normally the orientation of the plot (portrait or landscape)
is selected automatically so as to maximize the plot scale.
The -U option allows the user to set the plot orientation. If
orientation = 1, a portrait plot will be produced; if
orientation = 2, a landscape plot will be produced.
- -V
Causes mbm_grdplot to operate in "verbose" mode
so that it outputs
more information than usual.
- -W
[color_style[/palette[ncolors]] | cptfile]
This option controls the color scheme used for color
fill plots.
If color_style = 1 [default], then
the color scheme used will be a continuous grading
of colors. If color_style = 2, the color scheme
will be a set of discrete color intervals. The color
palette used is set using palette. Seven palettes
are available:
palette = 1: Haxby colors [default]
palette = 2: high Intensity colors
palette = 3: low Intensity colors
palette = 4: grayscale
palette = 5: uniform grayscale
palette = 6: uniform black
palette = 7: uniform white
The RGB definitions of the color palettes are:
color palette 1 - Haxby Color Table
red: 255 255 255 255 240 205 138 106 50 40 37
green: 255 186 161 189 236 255 236 235 190 127 57
blue: 255 133 68 87 121 162 174 255 255 251 175
color palette 2 - High Intensity Colors
red: 255 255 255 255 128 0 0 0 0 128 255
green: 0 64 128 255 255 255 255 128 0 0 0
blue: 0 0 0 0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255
color palette 3 - Low Intensity Colors
red: 200 194 179 141 90 0 0 0 0 90 141
green: 0 49 90 141 179 200 141 90 0 0 0
blue: 0 0 0 0 0 0 141 179 200 179 141
color palette 4 - Grayscale
red: 255 230 204 179 153 128 102 77 51 26 0
green: 255 230 204 179 153 128 102 77 51 26 0
blue: 255 230 204 179 153 128 102 77 51 26 0
color palette 5 - Uniform Grayscale
red: 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
green: 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
blue: 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128
color palette 6 - Uniform Black
red: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
green: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
blue: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
color palette 7 - Uniform White
red: 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
green: 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
blue: 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
The Haxby colors have been adapted from a palette
developed by Dr. William Haxby of the Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory; this palette is pleasing to the
eye and well suited for shading. The high intensity
colors describe linear paths through RGB space from
red to blue to green to purple; because the colors are high
intensity they are not well suited to shading.
The low intensity colors are similar to the high
intensity, but muted and thus well suited to shading.
The grayscale palette runs linearly from white to
black and is commonly used for plots of sidescan and amplitude
data. The uniform grayscale is useful for non-color
shaded relief plots.
The ncolors parameter sets the number of color
values used in plotting, whether the colors are
represented in a continuous color scale or a
stepped, discrete color scale [default is 11].
If the option argument is the path to an existing GMT
color palette (CPT) file, then that CPT file and its
color scheme will be used for the plot
- -X
Normally, mbm_grdplot creates an executable shellscript and
then exits. This option will cause the shellscript to be executed
in the background before mbm_grdplot exits.
- -Y
Normally, mbm_grdplot generates nicely rounded numbers
for the boundaries of the color palette. Often, the resulting
color bounds extend well outside the range of the gridded data.
This option causes the minimum and maximum color boundaries to
exactly conform to the minimum and maximum values of the grid,
or, if the -Z option is used, the minimum and maximum
values specified by the user.
- -Z
This option overrides the minimum and maximum values of
the gridded data, affecting the color palette and the
contour interval if those parameters are not specified
by the user. By default (i.e. mode is omitted
or equal to 0), the macro selects the color palette bounds
so that they encompass min and max while using
nicely rounded numbers. If mode is omitted or equal
to 0, then the color palette will end near min and
max whether it is linear stretched or histogram equalized.
If mode = 1, then the color stretching calculations
will be done using min and max, but then the
first and last values in the color palette will be set to
the actual minimum and maximum values.so that all the data
are displayed.
Suppose we have obtained two GRD files with dimensions of
127 by 194, one containing gridded bathymetry
(grd_sb2112_example_bath) and the other gridded sidescan
(grd_sb2112_example_ss). In order to generate a shellscript
which will in turn generate a contour plot of the bathymetry,
the following will suffice:
mbm_grdplot -Igrd_sb2112_example_bath -C \
-V -Ogrd_sb2112_example_bathcont
In order to generate a color fill plot overlaid by
contours, we use both the -G1 and -C options.
Because the data has been gridded as bathymetry (positive
down) rather than as topography (positive up), the default
plot will have "hot" colors for deep regions and "cold"
colors for shallow regions; this is the opposite of the
convention we usually use. In order to fix the colors, we have
to either rescale the data by multiplying the bathymetry
by -1 (accomplished with -MGS-1), or flip the color
palette (accomplished with -D). We use the latter approach:
mbm_grdplot -Igrd_sb2112_example_bath -G1 -C -D \
-V -Ogrd_sb2112_example_bathfill
In order to generate a grayscale plot of the sidescan grid,
we use -G1 and -W1/4. We also use -D so that high sidescan
amplitudes are shown as dark.
mbm_grdplot -Igrd_sb2112_example_ss -G1 -D \
-V -Ogrd_sb2112_example_ssfill
Now consider generating a shaded relief view of the
gridded bathymetry. We choose to illuminate
the bathymetry from the northeast (azimuth of 45 degrees)
and to use a shading magnitude of 0.4 (-A0.4/45).
Because this grid is so small, the default shaded
relief image is likely to be grainy. To fix this problem, we
specify a dots per inch resolution of 72 (-MGQ72); this
will take longer and generate a larger plotfile, but the
plot will look better. We also use the -L option to specify
the title and color scale label for the plot. We also use
the -X flag this so that the plot generation shellscript is
executed immediately. Here is the command:
mbm_grdplot -Igrd_sb2112_example_bath \
-G2 -A0.4/45 -D -MGQ72 -X -V \
-L"Shaded Relief Bathymetry":"Depth (meters)" \
Now, consider generating a plot of the bathymetry
overlaid with the gridded sidescan.
The sidescan overlay is specified using the -K option.
We want the colors for the bathymetry to be chosen without
histogram equalization, but we also want histogram
equalization to be applied to the sidescan data used for
shading. To do this, we use -S0/1, where the first number
(0) specifies no histogram equalization of the color
scale and the second number (1) causes histogram
equalization of the shading sidescan data to be
implemented. In order to maintain the convention that
high sidescan amplitudes are black, we flip both the
color palette (as in the previous example) and the
shading scale with -D1/1. We could also flip the shading
by specifying a negative shading magnitude (-A-0.4).
In this case, we forgo specifying the image resolution,
resulting in a grainy plot:
mbm_grdplot -Igrd_sb2112_example_bath \
-G3 -Kgrd_sb2112_example_ss \
-S0/1 -D1/1 -A0.4 -X -V \
-L"Bathymetry Overlaid With Sidescan":"Depth (meters)" \
As an example, the contents of the plotting shellscript
"grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.cmd" are:
# Shellscript to create Postscript plot of data in grd file
# Created by macro mbm_grdplot
# This shellscript created by following command line:
# mbm_grdplot -Igrd_sb2112_example_bath -G1 -C -D \
# -V -Ogrd_sb2112_example_bathfill
# Save existing GMT defaults
echo Saving GMT defaults...
gmtdefaults -L > gmtdefaults$$
# Set new GMT defaults
echo Setting new GMT defaults...
gmtset ANOT_FONT Helvetica
gmtset LABEL_FONT Helvetica
gmtset HEADER_FONT Helvetica
gmtset FRAME_WIDTH 0.074999999999999997
gmtset TICK_LENGTH 0.074999999999999997
gmtset COLOR_FOREGROUND 255/255/255
gmtset COLOR_NAN 255/255/255
# Make color palette table file
echo Making color palette table file...
echo 3000 255 255 255 3150 255 186 133 > \
echo 3150 255 186 133 3300 255 161 68 >> \
echo 3300 255 161 68 3450 255 189 87 >> \
echo 3450 255 189 87 3600 240 236 121 >> \
echo 3600 240 236 121 3750 205 255 162 >> \
echo 3750 205 255 162 3900 138 236 174 >> \
echo 3900 138 236 174 4050 106 235 255 >> \
echo 4050 106 235 255 4200 50 190 255 >> \
echo 4200 50 190 255 4350 40 127 251 >> \
echo 4350 40 127 251 4500 37 57 175 >> \
# Make color image
echo Running grdimage...
grdimage grd_sb2112_example_bath -Jm24.418434289993325 \
-R114.221/114.421/-31.9001/-31.6377 \
-Cgrd_sb2112_example_bathfill.cpt \
-P -X1.8081565710006675 -Y2 -K -V \
> grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.ps
# Make contour plot
echo Running grdcontour...
grdcontour grd_sb2112_example_bath -Jm24.418434289993325 \
-R114.221/114.421/-31.9001/-31.6377 \
-C50 \
-L3144.51/4499.44 -Wc1p \
-P -K -O -V >> grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.ps
# Make color scale
echo Running psscale...
psscale -Cgrd_sb2112_example_bathfill.cpt \
-D2.4418/-0.5000/4.8837/0.1500h \
-B":.Data Values:" \
-P -K -O -V >> grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.ps
# Make basemap
echo Running psbasemap...
psbasemap -Jm24.418434289993325 \
-R114.221/114.421/-31.9001/-31.6377 \
-B5m/5m:."Data File grd_sb2112_example_bath": \
-P -O -V >> grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.ps
# Delete surplus files
echo Deleting surplus files...
rm -f grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.cpt
# Reset GMT default fonts
echo Resetting GMT fonts...
mv gmtdefaults$$ .gmtdefaults
# Run xpsview
echo Running xpsview in background...
xpsview -ps a -maxp 4m grd_sb2112_example_bathfill.ps &
# All done!
echo All done!
grdimage(1), grdcontour(1),
mbdefaults(1), mbgrid(1), mbsystem(1),
mbm_grd3dplot(1), mbm_plot(1),
psbasemap(1), pstext(1), psxy(1)
By making this macro more useful, we have also made it
more complex.
Last Updated: 3 June 2013
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