Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbkongsbergpreprocess - performs preprocessing of data from third generation Kongsberg multibeam sonars (e.g. EM122, EM302, EM710).VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbkongsbergpreprocess [-A -C -Doutputdirectory -Fformat -Ifile -Ooutfile -SFdatatype/source -Ttimelag -H -V]DESCRIPTION
mbkongsbergpreprocess reads data from a third generation Kongsberg multibeam sonar (e.g. EM122, EM302, EM710), interpolates the asynchronous navigation, heading, and attitude onto the multibeam data, and writes a new file with that information correctly embedded in the multibeam survey data. The input files may be in the vendor format MBF_EM710RAW (format id 58) or the MB-System extended format MBF_EM710MBA (format id 59); the output files will always be in the MB-System extended format MBF_EM710MBA (format id 59).Like most modern swath survey data streams, Kongsberg multibeam data includes navigation, attitude, and heading data logged in separate data records as output by the respective sensors. Since each of these values is time stamped according to its origin rather than synced with multibeam pings, these values are asynchronous relative to the survey ping data. When multiple sources of navigation, heading, and/or attitude have been recorded in a data stream, mbkongsbergpreprocess allows the user to specify which asynchronous data are extracted and interpolated onto the survey data using the -S option.
This program allows the correction of a time latency (or time lag) error between the sonar data and the attitude and navigation data using the -T option.
The format 58 files This program also creates four ancilliary files containing the full asynchronous attitude, sonar depth, and heading data and the synchronous attitude data in parallel with each output format 59 file. These files are used, when present, by mbeditviz to facillitate interactive analysis of time lag issues. Each of these are text files with white-space delimited columns; the first column is always time in decimal unix seconds. These have the following suffixes:
asynchronous attitude (roll and pitch): *.ata
asynchronous heading: *.ath
asynchronous sonar depth: *.ats
synchronous attitude (roll and pitch): *.sta
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
The -N option causes mbinfo to generate a list of the data record
types read in the file at the end of the file statistics:
Swath Data File: 0000_20111219_154640_METEOR_EM122.all
MBIO Data Format ID: 58
Format name: MBF_EM710RAW
Informal Description: Kongsberg current multibeam vendor format
Attributes: Kongsberg EM122, EM302, EM710,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 400 beams, variable pixels, binary, Kongsberg.
Data Totals:
Number of Records: 334
Bathymetry Data (432 beams):
Number of Beams: 144288
Number of Good Beams: 129951 90.06%
Number of Zero Beams: 0 0.00%
Number of Flagged Beams: 14337 9.94%
Amplitude Data (432 beams):
Number of Beams: 144288
Number of Good Beams: 129951 90.06%
Number of Zero Beams: 0 0.00%
Number of Flagged Beams: 14337 9.94%
Sidescan Data (1024 pixels):
Number of Pixels: 342016
Number of Good Pixels: 289910 84.77%
Number of Zero Pixels: 0 0.00%
Number of Flagged Pixels: 52106 15.23%
Navigation Totals:
Total Time: 0.8327 hours
Total Track Length: 13.6418 km
Average Speed: 16.3823 km/hr ( 8.8553 knots)
Start of Data:
Time: 12 19 2011 15:46:27.537000 JD353 (2011-12-19T15:46:27.537000)
Lon: -11.562232000 Lat: 36.848179850 Depth: 4931.4829 meters
Speed: 17.6040 km/hr ( 9.5157 knots) Heading: 129.1900 degrees
Sonar Depth: 5.6975 m Sonar Altitude: 5025.2964 m
End of Data:
Time: 12 19 2011 16:36:25.308000 JD353 (2011-12-19T16:36:25.308000)
Lon: -11.489473500 Lat: 36.771997400 Depth: 3242.5244 meters
Speed: 12.7800 km/hr ( 6.9081 knots) Heading: 274.9200 degrees
Sonar Depth: 6.4334 m Sonar Altitude: 3236.0911 m
Minimum Longitude: -11.635798757 Maximum Longitude: -11.391532562
Minimum Latitude: 36.723994163 Maximum Latitude: 36.919907119
Minimum Sonar Depth: 5.0135 Maximum Sonar Depth: 6.9798
Minimum Altitude: 3175.1121 Maximum Altitude: 5027.8770
Minimum Depth: 2391.9229 Maximum Depth: 5121.0713
Minimum Amplitude: -59.2000 Maximum Amplitude: -9.1000
Minimum Sidescan: -90.1300 Maximum Sidescan: -0.4700
Data Record Type Notices:
DN: 334 MB_DATA_DATA (ID=1): survey data
DN: 1 MB_DATA_START (ID=10): Simrad start datagram
DN: 1 MB_DATA_STOP (ID=11): Simrad stop datagram
DN: 3023 MB_DATA_NAV (ID=12): Navigation record
DN: 287 MB_DATA_RUN_PARAMETER (ID=13): Simrad runtime parameter datagram
DN: 3022 MB_DATA_CLOCK (ID=14): Simrad clock datagram
DN: 2964 MB_DATA_ATTITUDE (ID=18): Attitude record
DN: 731 MB_DATA_SSV (ID=19): Surface sound speed record
DN: 3022 MB_DATA_NAV3 (ID=30): Auxiliary nav system 3
DN: 3023 MB_DATA_STATUS (ID=46): Status record
DN: 2964 MB_DATA_ATTITUDE1 (55): ancillary attitude system 1
DN: 1512 MB_DATA_ATTITUDE2 (56): ancillary attitude system 2
Nonfatal Error Notices:
EN: 20551 MB_ERROR_NO_DATA_REQUESTED (ID=-11): No data requested for buffer load
Problem Notices:
This listing shows that the format 58 file includes MB_DATA_NAV (source = 12) and MB_DATA_NAV3 (source = 30) records, both of which include both position and heading data. Also included are three sources of attitude data: MB_DATA_ATTITUDE (source = 18), MB_DATA_ATTITUDE1 (source = 55), and MB_DATA_ATTITUDE2 (source = 56).
To extract and use the default navigation, heading, and attitude data, the
following will suffice:
mbkongsbergpreprocess -I datalist_raw.mb-1 -V
An equivalent command that explicitly specifies the default asynchronous data
sources using -S1/source for navigation, -S2/source for
heading, and -S3/source for attitude is:
mbkongsbergpreprocess -I datalist_raw.mb-1 -V -S1/12 -S2/12 -S3/18
To interpolate navigation and heading from the secondary navigation source, use
-S1/30 -S2/30
To interpolate attitude from ancillary attitude system 2, use:
Last Updated: 3 June 2013