Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbrollbias - Assess roll bias of swath sonar sonar systems.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbrollbias -Fformat1/format2 -Llonflip -Ifile1 -Jfile2 -Rwest/east/south/north [-Dxdim/ydim -H -V]DESCRIPTION
mbrollbias is a utility used to assess roll bias of swath sonar sonar systems using bathymetry data from two swaths covering the same seafloor in opposite directions. The program takes two input files and calculates best fitting planes for each dataset. The roll bias is calculated by solving for a common roll bias factor which explains the difference between the seafloor slopes observed on the two swaths. This approach assumes that pitch bias is not a factor; this assumption is most correct when the heading of the two shiptracks are exactly opposite. The area is divided into a number of rectangular regions and calculations are done in each region containing a sufficient number of data from both swaths. The data contained in the two datafiles should be processed to ensure that no artifacts will bias the roll bias calculations. Typically, this means using mbclean and or mbedit to remove noisy outer beams. A positive roll bias value means that the the vertical reference used by the swath sonar system is biased to starboard, giving rise to shallow bathymetry to port and deep bathymetry to starboard. Results are written to stdout.AUTHORSHIP
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
mbrollbias -R-51.07/-50.98/9.0166/9.117 -D1/1 -F22/22
-Ihs_leg1_z.mb22 -Jhs_leg2_z.mb22 -V
The output looks like:
Program mbrollbias
Version $Id: mbrollbias.1 2096 2013-06-04 08:17:22Z caress $
MB-system Version 4.00
mbrollbias Parameters:
Input file 1: hs_leg1_z.mb22
Input file 2: hs_leg2_z.mb22
Region grid bounds:
Longitude: -51.0700 -50.9800
Latitude: 9.0166 9.1170
Region grid dimensions: 1 1
Longitude interval: 0.090000 degrees or 9.894392 km
Latitude interval: 0.100400 degrees or 11.104426 km
Longitude flipping: 0
4840 depth points counted in hs_leg1_z.mb22
1733 depth points counted in hs_leg2_z.mb22
4840 depth points read from hs_leg1_z.mb22
1733 depth points read from hs_leg2_z.mb22
Region 0 (0 0) bounds:
Longitude: -51.0700 -50.9800
Latitude: 9.0166 9.1170
First data file: hs_leg1_z.mb22
Number of data: 4840
Mean heading: 107.845062
Plane fit: 4.759709 -0.002327 -0.004623
Second data file: hs_leg2_z.mb22
Number of data: 1733
Mean heading: 302.022793
Plane fit: 4.640304 0.008438 0.008494
Roll bias: -0.007288 (-0.417598 degrees)
Roll bias is positive to port, negative to starboard.
A postive roll bias means the ship rolls to port,
giving rise to shallow bathymetry to port and
deep bathymetry to starboard.
Last Updated: 3 June 2013