Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbabsorption - calculates the absorption of sound in sea water in dB/km as a function of frequency, temperature, salinity, sound speed, and depth.
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbabsorption [-Csoundspeed -Ddepth -Ffrequency -Pph -Ssalinity -Ttemperature -V -H]DESCRIPTION
mbabsorption - calculates the absorption of sound in sea water in dB/km
as a function of frequency (kHz), temperature (degrees C), salinity (per mil), depth (m), pH, and water sound speed (m/sec).
We use the Francois and Garrison equations from:
Francois, R.E., Garrison, G.R., "Sound absorption based
on ocean measurements: Part I: Pure water and magnesium
sulfate contributions", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 72(3),
896-907, 1982.
Francois, R.E., Garrison, G.R., "Sound absorption based
on ocean measurements: Part II: Boric acid contribution
and equation for total absorption", J. Acoust. Soc. Am.,
72(6), 1879-1890, 1982.Francois and Garrison [1982] model the sound absorption in sea water as resulting from contributions from pure water, magnesium sulfate, and boric acid. The boric acid contribution is significant below 10 kHz. The equations are:
absorption = Boric Acid Contribution
+ MbSO4 Contribution
+ Pure Water Contribution
Boric Acid Contribution:
AlphaB = Ab * Pb * Fb * f**2
f**2 + Fb**2
Ab = 8.86 / c * 10**(0.78 * pH - 5) (dB/km/kHz)
Pb = 1
Fb = 2.8 * (S / 35)**0.5 * 10**(4 - 1245 / Tk) (kHz)
MgSO4 Contribution:
AlphaM = Am * Pm * Fm * f**2
f**2 + Fm**2
Am = 21.44 * S * (1 + 0.025 * T) / c (dB/km/kHZ)
Pm = 1 - 0.000137 * D + 0.0000000062 * D**2
Fm = (8.17 * 10**(8 - 1990 / Tk)) / (1 + 0.0018 * (S - 35)) (kHz)
Pure Water Contribution:
AlphaW = Aw * Pw * f**2
For T <= 20 deg C
Aw = 0.0004397 - 0.0000259 * T
+ 0.000000911 * T**2 - 0.000000015 * T**3 (dB/km/kHz)
For T > 20 deg C
Aw = 0.0003964 - 0.00001146 * T
+ 0.000000145 * T**2 - 0.00000000049 * T**3 (dB/km/kHz)
Pw = 1 - 0.0000383 * D + 0.00000000049 * D**2
f = sound frequency (kHz)
c = speed of sound (m/s)
T = temperature (deg C)
Tk = temperature (deg K) = T + 273 (deg K)
S = salinity (per mil)
D = depth (m)
If the speed of sound is not specified by the user, it will be calculated from temperature, salinity, and depth using:
c =~ 1412 + 3.21 * T + 1.19 * S + 0.0167 * D
Normally, mbabsorption simply prints the resulting absorption value to stdout. If the -V option is specified, the output will include a listing of the parameters used in calculating the absorption.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
Last Updated: 3 June 2013