Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbm_multidatalist - Macro to use mbdatalist with the -O option to generate standard ancilliary files, using parallel processes.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbm_multidatalist -Idatalist [-Xnprocesses [-N -H -V]DESCRIPTION
mbm_multidatalist is a macro used to efficiently generate ancilliary files for the swath data files referenced in the input datalist file. This is accomplished by executing mbdatalist with the -O or -N option for each swath file.
Programs such as mbgrid try to check statistics or "inf" files to see if the corresponding data files include data within the specified geographic bounds. Other programs look for "fast bathymetry" or "fast navigation" ("fbt" or "fnv") files in order to read the data more quickly. The -N option causes mbm_multidatalist to create these three types of ancillary files for each swath data file. By default, mbm_multidatalist creates the "inf", "fbt", and "fnv" files only when they don't already exist or are out of date (older than the data file). The -N option causes mbm_multidatalist to create (or recreate) the ancillary files for each swath data file.
The -Xnprocesses option sets the number of parallel processes that can be started by mbm_multidatalist. In general, the most efficient (fastest) execution of the overall command will be achieved when nprocesses equals the number of available CPUs or cores.
Christian Ferreira
MARUM, University of Bremen
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Running mbm_multidatalist...
Executing mbdatalist -I20110805_053612.mb88 -O -V
Executing mbdatalist -I20110805_054149.mb88 -O -V
Program mbdatalist
Version $Id: mbm_multidatalist.1 2096 2013-06-04 08:17:22Z caress $
Program mbdatalist
MB-system Version 5.3.1904
Version $Id: mbm_multidatalist.1 2096 2013-06-04 08:17:22Z caress $
MB-system Version 5.3.1904
Generating inf file for 20110805_054149.mb88
Generating inf file for 20110805_053612.mb88
Generating fbt file for 20110805_054149.mb88
Generating fbt file for 20110805_053612.mb88
Generating fnv file for 20110805_054149.mb88
Generating fnv file for 20110805_053612.mb88
Total swath files: 1
Total swath files: 1
Note that the terminal messages from the two mbdatalist processes are mixed because the processes are executed in parallel.
Last Updated: 3 June 2013