Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbsegyinfo - Output some basic statistics of segy format seismic data files.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbsegyinfo [-Ifilename -Llonflip -O -H -V]DESCRIPTION
MBsegyinfo is a utility for reading a segy format seismic data file or files and outputting some basic statistics. The table generated shows the filename, data counts, navigation totals, time and navigation of the first and last data records, minimum and maximum data values, and the geographic bounding box of the data.An important function of mbsegyinfo is to generate segy information, or ".sinf" files, that may be parsed by other MB-System programs and macros. To create an ".sinf" file, simply direct the output of mbsegyinfo to a file named by adding the suffix ".sinf" to the input swath data filename. The -O option accomplishes this same task automatically.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
File Header Info:
Channels: 1
Auxiliary Channels: 0
Sample Interval (usec): 64
Number of Samples in Trace: 8330
Trace length (sec): 0.533120
Data Format: IEEE 32 bit integer
CDP Fold: 0
Data Totals:
Number of Traces: 2527
Min Max Delta:
Shot number: 56 2582 2527
Shot trace: 1 1 1
RP number: 56 2582 2527
RP trace: 1 1 1
Delay (sec): 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Range (m): 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Receiver Elevation (m): -224.030000 -2.860000 -221.170000
Source Elevation (m): -224.030000 -2.860000 -221.170000
Source Depth (m): 2.860000 224.030000 -221.170000
Receiver Water Depth (m): 51.510000 487.670000 -436.160000
Source Water Depth (m): 51.510000 487.670000 -436.160000
Navigation Totals:
Start of Data:
Time: 07 22 2004 15:20:37.029000 JD204
Lon: -121.8573 Lat: 36.7755
End of Data:
Time: 07 22 2004 15:44:15.438000 JD204
Lon: -121.8572 Lat: 36.7952
Minimum Longitude: -121.8574 Maximum Longitude: -121.8572
Minimum Latitude: 36.7755 Maximum Latitude: 36.7952
Last Updated: 3 June 2013