Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbinfo - Output some basic statistics of swath sonar data files.VERSION
Version 5.0SYNOPSIS
mbinfo [-Byr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -C -Eyr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc -Fformat -G -Ifilename -Llonflip -Mlondim/latdim -N -O -Pping -Rwest/east/south/north -Sspeed -W -Xoutputformat -V -H]DESCRIPTION
MBinfo is a utility for reading a swath sonar data file or files and outputting some basic statistics. The table generated shows the filename, the data format id, a brief description of the format, any metadata that have been inserted into the data, data counts, navigation totals, time and navigation of the first and last data records, minimum and maximum data values, and the geographic bounding box of the data. The data counts include the total number of bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan values read. These totals may be less than the maximum possible (number of data records times the maximum number of data supported for the particular data format) for formats supporting variable numbers of beams or pixels. Also reported are the numbers and percentages of good, zero, and flagged data values (good values are those which are neither zero nor flagged as bad).An important function of mbinfo is to generate ".inf" files that may be parsed by other MB-System programs and macros. Programs such as mbgrid and mbmosaic, read ".inf" files, when available, to determine whether input swath data files actually contain any data in the area of interest. The efficiency of these programs is enhanced by their ability to avoid reading files with no data in the area to be gridded or mosaiced. Programs such as mbm_plot and mbm_grid run mbinfo on input files to determine the data bounds. The availability of ".inf" files allows this information to be determined without having to read through each swath file.To create an ".inf" file, simply direct the output of mbinfo to a file named by adding the suffix ".inf" to the input swath data filename. This can also be accomplished using the -O option of mbinfo, or the -N and -O options of mbdatalist.
Data archives use metadata harvesting tools that often work better with information structured for machine parsing rather than for easy reading by humans. To output a variant of "*.inf" files in the JSON format (with "_inf.json" suffixes), use the -X1 option. Similarly, specifying the -X2 option will result in XML output in files with "_xml.inf" suffixes.
The program mbprocess can insert metadata recognized and printed by mbinfo. These metadata include items such as the sonar model, the vessel name, and bias parameters. See the mbprocess and mbset manual pages for details.
The data input may be averaged over several pings and/or windowed in time and space. Comments in the data stream may also be printed out. The results are dumped to stdout.
If pings are averaged (pings > 2) mbinfo estimates the variance for each of the bathymetry beams and sidescan pixels by reading a set number of pings and then finding the variance of the values for each beam. The bathymetry values are detrended before variances are calculated.
The program output can also be extended to include a coarse mask representing where data lies within the file's bounding box. This mask is shown as a table of 0's and 1's, where the 1's indicate bins with data. The dimensions of the mask are specified with the -Mlondim/latdim option. For instance, if the user specifies -M10/10, then mbinfo will read through the data once to establish the usual statistics, including the data bounding box. Then, the program will initialize a 10 X 10 grid with the minimum and maximum longitude and latitude of the bounding box, and read the data a second time. Each bin in which a sounding or pixel falls will be set to 1. After the second reading pass, the data location mask will be output at the end of the mbinfo output.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth ObservatoryOPTIONS
The following output is produced:
Swath Data File: example_hs.mb24
MBIO Data Format ID: 24
Format name: MBF_HSLDEOIH
Informal Description: L-DEO in-house binary Hydrosweep
Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, 59 beams, bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, centered, L-DEO.
Data Totals:
Number of Records: 263
Bathymetry Data (59 beams):
Number of Beams: 15517
Number of Good Beams: 13661 88.04%
Number of Zero Beams: 868 5.59%
Number of Flagged Beams: 988 6.37%
Amplitude Data (59 beams):
Number of Beams: 15517
Number of Good Beams: 13661 88.04%
Number of Zero Beams: 868 5.59%
Number of Flagged Beams: 988 6.37%
Sidescan Data (0 pixels):
Number of Pixels: 0
Number of Good Pixels: 0 0.00%
Number of Zero Pixels: 0 0.00%
Number of Flagged Pixels: 0 0.00%
Navigation Totals:
Total Time: 1.2425 hours
Total Track Length: 20.9421 km
Average Speed: 16.8548 km/hr ( 9.1107 knots)
Start of Data:
Time: 08 14 1993 18:00:25.000000 JD226
Lon: -49.3011 Lat: 12.1444 Depth: 4920.0000 meters
Speed: 18.3600 km/hr ( 9.9243 knots) Heading: 97.2000 degrees
Sonar Depth: 0.0000 m Sonar Altitude: 4920.0000 m
End of Data:
Time: 08 14 1993 19:14:58.000000 JD226
Lon: -49.1111 Lat: 12.1149 Depth: 5021.0000 meters
Speed: 17.2800 km/hr ( 9.3405 knots) Heading: 97.0000 degrees
Sonar Depth: 0.0000 m Sonar Altitude: 5021.0000 m
Minimum Longitude: -49.3061 Maximum Longitude: -49.1064
Minimum Latitude: 12.0750 Maximum Latitude: 12.1806
Minimum Sonar Depth: 0.0000 Maximum Sonar Depth: 0.0000
Minimum Altitude: 4087.0000 Maximum Altitude: 5034.0000
Minimum Depth: 3726.0000 Maximum Depth: 5190.0000
Minimum Amplitude: 100.0000 Maximum Amplitude: 6380.0000
Suppose we wanted to know how noisy the outer beams are relative
to the inner beams. We might try:
mbinfo -F24 -P5 -Iexample_hs.mb24
Swath Data File: example_hs.mb24
MBIO Data Format ID: 24
Format name: MBF_HSLDEOIH
Informal Description: L-DEO in-house binary Hydrosweep
Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, 59 beams, bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, centered, L-DEO.
Data Totals:
Number of Records: 263
Bathymetry Data (59 beams):
Number of Beams: 15517
Number of Good Beams: 13661 88.04%
Number of Zero Beams: 868 5.59%
Number of Flagged Beams: 988 6.37%
Amplitude Data (59 beams):
Number of Beams: 15517
Number of Good Beams: 13661 88.04%
Number of Zero Beams: 868 5.59%
Number of Flagged Beams: 988 6.37%
Sidescan Data (0 pixels):
Number of Pixels: 0
Number of Good Pixels: 0 0.00%
Number of Zero Pixels: 0 0.00%
Number of Flagged Pixels: 0 0.00%
Navigation Totals:
Total Time: 1.2425 hours
Total Track Length: 20.9421 km
Average Speed: 16.8548 km/hr ( 9.1107 knots)
Start of Data:
Time: 08 14 1993 18:00:25.000000 JD226
Lon: -49.3011 Lat: 12.1444 Depth: 4920.0000 meters
Speed: 18.3600 km/hr ( 9.9243 knots) Heading: 97.2000 degrees
Sonar Depth: 0.0000 m Sonar Altitude: 4920.0000 m
End of Data:
Time: 08 14 1993 19:14:58.000000 JD226
Lon: -49.1111 Lat: 12.1149 Depth: 5021.0000 meters
Speed: 17.2800 km/hr ( 9.3405 knots) Heading: 97.0000 degrees
Sonar Depth: 0.0000 m Sonar Altitude: 5021.0000 m
Minimum Longitude: -49.3061 Maximum Longitude: -49.1064
Minimum Latitude: 12.0750 Maximum Latitude: 12.1806
Minimum Sonar Depth: 0.0000 Maximum Sonar Depth: 0.0000
Minimum Altitude: 4087.0000 Maximum Altitude: 5034.0000
Minimum Depth: 3726.0000 Maximum Depth: 5190.0000
Minimum Amplitude: 100.0000 Maximum Amplitude: 6380.0000
Beam Bathymetry Variances:
Pings Averaged: 5
Beam N Mean Variance Sigma
---- - ---- -------- -----
0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 110 4719.59 342.69 18.51
3 105 4779.49 399.15 19.98
4 155 4748.81 280.18 16.74
5 155 4817.12 194.62 13.95
6 150 4826.44 197.76 14.06
7 160 4863.82 155.50 12.47
8 215 4806.08 229.11 15.14
9 235 4807.09 220.23 14.84
10 240 4766.29 158.83 12.60
11 250 4764.34 221.09 14.87
12 245 4765.35 146.24 12.09
13 250 4782.02 167.34 12.94
14 240 4798.38 92.98 9.64
15 245 4775.16 98.27 9.91
16 225 4782.35 136.30 11.67
17 210 4820.37 80.70 8.98
18 215 4821.15 80.97 9.00
19 215 4827.71 76.20 8.73
20 195 4842.65 84.22 9.18
21 190 4843.02 155.87 12.48
22 185 4884.28 73.69 8.58
23 175 4885.21 69.88 8.36
24 175 4871.47 52.01 7.21
25 180 4871.92 34.71 5.89
26 200 4830.80 36.83 6.07
27 205 4835.16 33.47 5.79
28 210 4809.96 43.07 6.56
29 190 4850.77 40.97 6.40
30 240 4768.69 64.23 8.01
31 240 4772.90 74.44 8.63
32 245 4760.11 57.97 7.61
33 255 4734.01 81.72 9.04
34 255 4728.19 82.21 9.07
35 260 4722.94 83.45 9.14
36 260 4721.95 102.02 10.10
37 260 4713.48 83.85 9.16
38 250 4715.40 101.33 10.07
39 255 4722.56 118.20 10.87
40 250 4727.48 109.13 10.45
41 255 4734.96 127.97 11.31
42 255 4724.53 124.06 11.14
43 230 4744.74 122.96 11.09
44 225 4752.16 98.22 9.91
45 230 4692.27 107.96 10.39
46 240 4696.93 95.93 9.79
47 230 4699.80 129.08 11.36
48 225 4696.32 145.20 12.05
49 220 4681.50 140.29 11.84
50 210 4676.16 103.35 10.17
51 180 4627.31 105.22 10.26
52 200 4654.55 207.85 14.42
53 130 4665.82 250.97 15.84
54 185 4704.29 300.80 17.34
55 135 4731.13 218.16 14.77
56 150 4736.29 178.16 13.35
57 115 4691.45 217.31 14.74
58 0 0.00 0.00 0.00
Last Updated: 3 June 2013