MB-System Unix Manual Page


Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013


mbdefaults - Set or list default mbio parameters for reading and writing swath sonar data



Version 5.0



mbdefaults [-Bfileiobuffer -Dpsdisplay -Ffbtversion -Iimagedisplay -Llonflip -Ttimegap -Uuselockfiles -Wproject -V -H]



mbdefaults is a utility for setting or listing the default read parameters used by some MBIO utilities such as MBCOPY. If a user wishes to set default parameters different from those set by the MBIO library, then these specialized default values must be stored in the file .mbio_defaults in the users home directory. If any option flag is given in invoking mbdefaults, then a new .mbio_defaults file will be written incorporating the newly set parameters along with any old parameters which have not been reset. If no option flag is given, then mbdefaults will list the current default values (set by mbio if no .mbio_defaults file exists).



Note that prior to version 5.0, the MB-System defaults set by mbdefaults included the format id, a control for ping averaging, longitude and latitude bounds for windowing by area, and begin and end times for windowing in time. These values are no longer set in the .mbio_defaults file or controlled by mbdefaults.



David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)

  Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)

  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory



Sets the file i/o block buffer size for certain formats (currently formats 88 and 58). The fileiobuffer value is in kilobytes, so fileiobuffer = 1000 corresponds rougly to a one megabyte buffer. This option allows users to optimize i/o speed of certain large and complex data formats (e.g Reson 7k and current generation Kongsberg multibeam) by increasing the block buffer size from the system default. Making the buffer size larger generally has benefit only when reading over a network; this option has little impact for filesystems mounted from locally attached hard drives. At MBARI, where our primary data storage is accessed over a gigabit ethernet network, setting fileiobuffer = 10000 achieves an 8% run time reduction for mbprocess. Default: fileiobuffer = 0, which corresponds to the system default.
Sets the program used for displaying Postscript graphics files on a screen; this facility is used by shellscripts created through macros like mbm_plot. The default Postscript display utility is gv. Another common Postscript display utilities is ghostview; past postscript viewers included pageview (for Sun workstations) and xpsview (for Silicon Graphics workstations).
Set the version of fbt files created by mbdatalist and mbprocess. If fbtversion = 2, "old", or "OLD", then the pre-5.3.1897 version of format 71 will be used to write the "fast bathymetry" or "*.fbt" files. If fbtversion = 3, "new", or "NEW", then the new, 5.3.1897-or-later version of format 71 will be used to write the "fast bathymetry" or "*.fbt" files.

This "help" flag cause the program to print out a description of its operation and then exit immediately.
Sets the program used for displaying Tiff image files on a screen; this facility is used by shellscripts created through macros like mbm_grdtiff. The default image display utility is xv. Other common image display utilities are gimp (GNU image processing) and gqview.
Sets the range of the longitude values returned. If lonflip=-1 then the longitude values will be in the range from -360 to 0 degrees. If lonflip=0 then the longitude values will be in the range from -180 to 180 degrees. If lonflip=1 then the longitude values will be in the range from 0 to 360 degrees. Default: lonflip = 0.
Sets the maximum time gap in minutes between adjacent pings allowed before the data is considered to have a gap. Default: timegap = 1.
Sets whether MB-System uses the file locking mechanism to insure that a swath file is only processed or edited by a single program at a time. To revert to pre-lockfile behavior for mbedit, mbeditviz, mbclean, mbareaclean, mbnavedit, and mbprocess, use -U0 or -Uno. To reinstate use of lock files, use -U1 or -Uyes.
Normally, mbdefaults outputs only a list of the default values to the stdout stream. If the -V flag is given, then mbdefaults works in a "verbose" mode and also outputs the program version being used.
Sets the name of the default project. This will be used by MB-System database management utilities yet to be created. Default: project = "none".



Suppose that one wishes the default Postscript viewer to be xpsview rather than gv. The following will suffice to create (or rewrite) a .mbio_defaults file in the users home directory:         mbdefaults -Dxpsview

The output will be:

 New MBIO Default Control Parameters:
 lonflip:  0
 timegap:  1.000000
 ps viewer:  xspsview
 img viewer: xv
 project:    none
 fbtversion: 3 (new)
 uselockfiles: 1
 fileiobuffer: 10000 (use 10000 kB buffer for fread() & fwrite())

Suppose that one just wishes to see what the current default parameters are. The following will suffice:         mbdefaults

The output will be

 Current MBIO Default Control Parameters:
 lonflip:    0
 timegap:    1.000000
 ps viewer:  ghostview
 img viewer: xv
 project:    none
 fbtversion: 3 (new)
 uselockfiles: 1
 fileiobuffer: 10000 (use 10000 kB buffer for fread() & fwrite())



mbsystem(1), mbio(1), mbcontour(1), mbswath(1), mbgrdtiff(1), mbm_plot(1), mbm_grdplot(1), mbm_grd3dplot(1), mbm_xyplot(1), mbm_grdtiff(1)



Too simple to have any really interesting bugs.

Well, ok, this program occassionally runs wild, destroying filesystems and eating young children. But don't worry, it could never happen to you...




Last Updated: 3 June 2013

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