MB-System Unix Manual Page
Section: MB-System 5.0 (1)
Updated: 3 June 2013
mbedit - Interactive editor used to flag bad bathymetry values in swath sonar bathymetry data.
Version 5.0
mbedit [-Byr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc
-D -Eyr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc
-Fformat -G -Iinfile -X -V -H]
MBedit is an interactive editor
used to identify and flag artifacts in swath sonar
bathymetry data. Once a file has been
read in, MBedit displays the bathymetry profiles
from several pings, allowing the user to identify and flag anomalous
beams. In extreme circumstances,
entire pings may be nulled (see "KEYBOARD ACTIONS").
In the default mode the edit events are output to
an "edit save" file. The program can also be operated
in a "browse" mode where no edit events are output.
If saved, the edit events can be applied
to the data using the program mbprocess, which
outputs a processed swath data file.
The mbprocess program is also used to merge
edited navigation, recalculate bathymetry, and apply
other corrections to swath bathymetry data. Users
may cause mbprocess to be run automatically by
specifying the -X option when starting mbedit.
In previous versions of MB-System
(version 4.6.10 or earlier), mbedit
produced output swath data files directly by reading and
storing all of the swath data information in memory (including
non-survey data records). This approach limited the
amount of data that could be handled
at once, frequently requiring users to process files in
small pieces. The current version only stores the bathymetry
data and only outputs changes to the beam flag status
(good data or bad data) of bathymetry soundings.
The default mbedit display consists of several
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles plotted with vertical
offsets between each profile (in waterfall fashion). The
profiles are plotted within
a box with annotation showing the scaling of the x
(acrosstrack distance) and y (depth) axes. Alternatively, the
display can show the profiles without the waterfall offsets,
with the view being either in the alongtrack direction, or in
the acrosstrack dimension.
The number of pings displayed,
and the width, vertical exageration, and annotation of the plot
are all set by the user. Unflagged bathymetry points
are shown as small filled black squares, and flagged bathymtetry points
are shown as small unfilled red or blue squares. Soundings
flagged manually are shown in red, and those flagged by filter
algorithms are shown in green. When a sounding is selected in the
info mode, it is displayed as a large, filled, blue square.
The unflagged or good bathymetry
points are connected by black line segments to show the acrosstrack
bathymetry profiles for each ping. If the Show Flagged Profile
toggle is set on, then red line segments connect the flagged depth
values in the acrosstrack bathymetry profile.
Each of the displayed pings has a label giving the record number
in the data file, the ping time, and the center beam depth.
The editing is driven by the left mouse button and
involves four basic edit modes and one information mode. In toggle
mode each mouse pick toggles the nearest bathymetry point between
flagged and unflagged states. In pick mode each mouse pick flags
the nearest bathymetry point. In erase mode the left mouse button
is held down as the cursor is dragged over the data; all bathymetry
points touched by the mouse are flagged. Restore mode is just like
erase mode, except that the affected bathymetry values are unflagged.
In grab mode, a red rectangle is drawn as the mouse is dragged
with the left button down. When the button is released, all
unflagged soundings within the rectangle are flagged. Finally,
info mode acts like pick mode, except that instead of flagging
the nearest sounding, the program displays information about the
selected ping and sounding above the bathymetry profile box.
A few keyboard macros described below add additional flexibility
to the editing process.
MBedit has some limited automatic flagging and unflagging
options. The Unflag View button allows users to unflag all of
the currently visible soundings, and the Unflag Forward
button unflags all soundings from the current position forward
to the end of the data held in memory. The Controls menu
includes a Filters... button that brings up a dialog
which sets the automatic flagging functions. At present, these
include a median filter algorithm, a "wrong side filter", "data
cutting" by beam number, and "data cutting" by acrosstrack
distance. The "wrong side" filter flags soundings positioned on
the "wrong" side of the swath (port soundings incorrectly located
on the starboard side, or vice versa). The two "data cutting"
algorithms flag beams inside or outside of specified beam number
ranges or acrosstrack distance ranges, respectively. Additional
automatic filters will be added in later versions.
If the ping includes flagged depths outside the plotting box, the ping label
is underlain by a green box. If
the ping includes unflagged depths outside the plotting box, the label
is underlain by a red box, and a small black box appears to the left
of the label. These colored labels help users identify
bad bathymetry points which lie outside the box defined by the current
vertical exageration and plot width values. In the case where unflagged
depths lie outside the plotting box (red label), clicking on the small
black box to the left of the ping label automatically flags all of the
depth values outside the plotting box. Alternatively,
users can decrease the
vertical exageration and/or increase the plot width to bring the
offending bathymetry points into view. Users should be aware that
extreme bathymetric slopes or the use of high vertical exagerations
may cause good depth values to lie outside the plotting box for
the first and last pings in view.
The middle and right mouse buttons allow the user to step forward
and backward, respectively, through the data file. The Forward
and Reverse buttons provide a duplicate stepping capability.
Left-handed users may reverse the right and left mouse button functions by pulling down
the Reverse Mouse Buttons menu item from the Controls button.
MBedit can hold up to 25000 swath bathymetry
profiles at a time in memory. In the case that
a data file contains more survey data records than can be held in memory,
users will find it necessary to step through multiple buffers of
data. The Next Buffer button will cause MBedit to
dump the current buffer contents and read in a new set of data.
The handling of buffered data is set
using the Buffer Controls dialog accessed by pulling down the
Buffer Controls... menu item from the Controls button.
The Buffer Controls dialog includes two slider controls, one
entitled Data Buffer Size and the other Buffer Retain Size.
Users on memory limited machines may find it necessary to set the
maximum buffer size to a smaller number using the
Data Buffer Size slider. The Buffer Retain Size
slider sets the number of data records
retained from the old buffer when more data are loaded.
The user can bring up a Go To Specified Time dialog
by pulling down the Go to a specified time... menu item from the
Controls button. This dialog
allows the user to specify the time of a particular ping to be viewed.
The first ping with a time tag later than or equal to the specified time
is then displayed, providing such a ping is available. If an appropriate
ping is not available in the current buffer, MBedit will dump
and load buffers of data until such a ping is found or the end of the
file is reached. Thus, specifying an incorrect "go to" time may cause
MBedit to close the file. Caution is advised in using this feature.
MBedit creates "edit save" files containing a list of each
edit command executed during an editing session. These files are
given names consisting of the input filename appended with ".esf".
The program also modifies the mbprocess parameter file
for the input file by specifying the edit save file and setting
the mbprocess mode to apply the edits when generating a
processed swath output file. If no parameter file named "ifile.par"
exists, mbedit creates one.
If a user seeks to open a swath sonar data
file and an associated edit save file already exists, the user is
given an option to apply the saved edits to the data as it is loaded.
If the user chooses not to apply the saved edits, those edits will
be lost as a new edit save file is created.
If (as is usually the case) the saved edits are to be
applied, MBedit copies the edit
save file to a file named "mbedit_tmp.esf" and reads the saved
edits from that second file. In this way, the use of
edit save files and mbprocess allows users
to edit a swath data file multiple times without generating
multiple output files. Subsequent editing sessions serve to
update the processed data rather than generate additional
edited data files.
David W. Caress (caress@mbari.org)
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Dale N. Chayes (dale@ldeo.columbia.edu)
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
- -B
Sets the starting time for data allowed in the input data; pings
with times before the starting time will be ignored.
Default: yr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc = 1962/2/21/10/30/0.
- -D
Starts up the program in "browse" mode. If a file is opened
in browse mode (either at startup or later), none
of the edited data will be output to a file. The default
is to output the edited data to a file.
- -E
Sets the ending time for data allowed in the input data; pings
with times after the ending time will be ignored.
Default: yr/mo/da/hr/mn/sc = 2062/2/21/10/30/0.
- -F
Sets the format at startup for the input and output swath sonar data using
MBIO integer format identifiers. This value can also be set
interactively when specifying the input file.
This program uses the MBIO library and will read any swath sonar
format supported by MBIO. A list of the swath sonar data formats
currently supported by MBIO and their identifier values
is given in the MBIO manual page.
Default: format = 11.
- -G
This flag causes the program to treat the Done button as
equivalent to the Quit button. This option is used when
MBedit is started automatically by some other process and
only a single file is to edited.
- -H
This "help" flag cause the program to print out a description
of its operation and then exit immediately.
- -I
Sets the data file from which the input data will be read at startup.
This option is usually used only when MBedit is started
automatically from some other process. The -F option should
also be used to set the data format id. If the -B option is
not used to specify browse mode, then the edit save output file is
automatically set as infile with ".esf" appended.
- -X
This option causes mbprocess to run automatically
on an input swath data file when the mbedit editing session
is completed. The -X option effectively means that the
corresponding processed swath data is generated or updated immediately.
The program mbprocess will not be invoked if the
editing session is in the browse mode.
- -V
Normally, MBedit outputs information to the stderr stream
regarding the number of records loaded and dumped. If the
-V flag is given, then MBedit works in a "verbose" mode and
outputs the program version being used, all error status messages,
and a large amount of other information including all of the
beams flagged or zeroed.
- File
This button accesses a pulldown menu with two push buttons:
Open and File Selection List,
- File->Open
This button brings up a popup window which allows the user to
specify an input swath sonar bathymetry data file, its MBIO
format id, and the output mode.
This program uses the MBIO library and
will read or write any swath sonar
format supported by MBIO. A list of the swath sonar data
formats currently supported by MBIO and their
identifier values is given in the MBIO manual page.
If the swath sonar data file is named using the MB-System
suffix convention (format 11 files end with ".mb11", format
41 files end with ".mb41", etc.), then the program will
automatically use the appropriate format id; otherwise the
format must be set by the user.
The popup window also allows the output mode to be set to "browse"
so that no edit events are output.
When a valid file is specified and the OK button
is clicked, file will be added to an internal list of swath files
available for editing, and then that file will be loaded into
memory for editing (if another file was already loaded, that file
is closed out gracefully before the new file is loaded).
If the specified input is a datalist (format
id = -1), then all of the files referenced through that datalist
will be added to the internal list, and the first of those files
loaded. When a file is loaded for editing, MBedit reads
as much data as will fit into the data buffer (typically 25000 records)
and several pings are displayed as stacked bathymetry profiles.
- File->File Selection List
This button brings up a popup window displaying the internal list of
swath files available for editing. The list has four columns.
The first (left-most) column is either blank or shows "<locked>" or "<loaded>".
If a file is loaded for editing by this program, it shows as "<loaded>".
If a file is being edited or processed by another program, it shows as
"<locked>". Locked files cannot be opened for editing, and any file
loaded for editing by MBedit will show as "locked" to other
programs. The second column is either blank or shows "<esf>". This indicates if
a file has been previously edited so that an edit save file already
exists. The third and fourth columns show the filename path and the MBIO
format id, respectively.
Users can select one of the files in the available list. If the "Edit Selected File"
button is clicked, the selected file will be opened for editing (and any
file already loaded will be closed first). If the "Remove Selected File"
button is selected, then the selected file will be removed from the available
- View
This button accesses a pulldown menu with several toggle buttons:
Waterfall View,
Alongtrack View,
Acrosstrack View,
Show Flagged Profile,
Show Bottom Detect Algorithms,
Wide Bathymetry Profiles,
Plot Time Stamps,
Plot Ping Interval,
Plot Longitude,
Plot Latitude,
Plot Heading,
Plot Speed,
Plot Center Beam Depth,
Plot Sonar Altitude,
Plot Sonar Depth,
Plot Roll,
Plot Pitch, and
Plot Heave.
The first three toggle buttons set the view mode, which may
be a waterfall view, an alongtrack view, or an acrosstrack
view. The next two toggle buttons set simple display options
and may be set or unset individually.
The remaining toggle buttons control the display plot
modes; only one mode and therefore one of these toggle buttons may
be set at any time.
- View->Waterfall View
Sets the mbedit display so that the
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles are plotted with vertical
offsets between each profile (in waterfall fashion).
- View->Alongtrack View
Sets the mbedit display so that the
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles are viewed in the alongtrack
direction without vertical offsets between the pings.
- View->Acrosstrack View
Sets the mbedit display so that the
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles are viewed in the acrosstrack
direction without vertical offsets between the pings.
- View->Show Flagged Profile
This toggle allows the user to specify whether the acrosstrack
bathymetry profile includes only the unflagged or "good" bathymetry
(toggle set to "Off") or
whether the profile also includes the flagged or "bad" bathymetry
(toggle set to "On"). In
the latter case, red line segments show the portion of the profile
associated with the flagged depth points.
- View->Show Bottom Detect Algorithms
This toggle allows the user to specify whether the beams are
colored according to their flagging status (toggle set to "Off"
or according to the bottom detect algorithm used by the sonar
(toggle set to "On"). The default is to color each sounding
according to its flagging status - unflagged beams are black,
manually flagged beams are red, and filter flagged beams are
green. If the beams are colored according to bottom detect
algorithm, then amplitude detects are shown in black, phase
detects are shown in red, and beams for which the bottom
detection algorithm is unknown are shown in green. Users should
be aware that many swath data formats do not include bottom
detection algorithm information.
- View->Wide Bathymetry Profiles
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display the widest
possible plots of the bathymetry profiles. All of the other options
discussed immediately below narrow the primary plot in order to
present additional information on the left side of the window.
- View->Plot Time Stamps
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display time stamp
information to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Ping Interval
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the time between pings.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Longitude
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
navigation longitude associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Latitude
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
navigation latitude associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Heading
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
heading associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Speed
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
speed associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Center Beam Depth
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
speed associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Sonar Depth
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
sonar depth associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Sonar Altitude
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
sonar altitude associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Roll
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
roll associated with each ping. In addition to the roll
time series shown in black, an estimate of the acrosstrack
seafloor slope is shown in red (calculated by linear
regression of the unflagged soundings for each ping), and
the difference between the roll and apparent slope is shown
in blue. If the sonar roll has been correctly applied, the
roll and seafloor slope should be uncorrelated. If there is
a timing error in the roll correction, then the apparent
seafloor slope may correlate strongly with the roll.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Pitch
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
pitch associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- View->Plot Heave
This toggle, when set, causes mbedit to display an
automatically scaled vertical time series plot of the
heave associated with each ping.
This plot appears to the left of the bathymetry profiles.
- Controls
This button accesses a pulldown menu with six items:
Go To Specified Time..., Buffer Controls...,
Annotation..., Filters...,
Reverse Right/Left Key Macros, and
Reverse Mouse Buttons.
The first (top) four items bring up a dialog of
the same name. These dialogs are discussed below.
The last two items are toggle buttons which set mouse button
and key macro behaviors.
- Controls->Go To Specified Time...
This menu item brings up a dialog which allows the user to
specify the time of a particular ping to be displayed. Once the
year, month, day, hour, minute, and second values are entered, clicking
the Apply button causes mbedit to seek the specified
target time. If the current data buffer begins after the target
time, an error is returned. If the target time is later than the
end of the current data buffer, then mbedit will dump and
load buffers until the target time is reached or the data file ends.
If the end of the file is reached during the search, the file will
be closed.
- Controls->Buffer Controls...
This menu item brings up a dialog which allows the user
to set the data buffer handling
through two sliders discussed immediately below.
- Controls->Buffer Controls->Data Buffer Size
This slider on the Buffer Controls dialog
sets the number of data records which can be held
in the data buffer. Any change becomes effective the next time
that a data file is read in.
- Controls->Buffer Controls->Buffer Retain Size
This slider on the Buffer Controls dialog
sets the number of data records which are held over in
the buffer each time the old buffer is written out.
- Controls->Annotation...
This menu item brings up a dialog which
allows the user to set the annotation intervals for
the across track distance and depth axes through the two sliders
discussed immediately below.
- Controls->Annotation->X Axis Tick Interval
This slider on the Annotation dialog
sets the tick interval in m for the across track
distance axis.
If a particular value is desired which cannot be
obtained by dragging the slider, the slider
can be changed by increments of 1 by clicking with the left button
inside the slider area, but not on the slider itself.
- Controls->Annotation->Y Axis Tick Interval
This slider on the Annotation dialog
sets the tick interval in m for the depth axis.
If a particular value is desired which cannot be
obtained by dragging the slider, the slider
can be changed by increments of 1 by clicking with the left button
inside the slider area, but not on the slider itself.
- Controls->Filters
This menu item brings up a dialog which
allows the user to turn automatic bathymetry filtering algorithms
on and off and to set the filter parameters
through the widgets discussed immediately below.
Clicking on the Apply button first removes any previous
automatic filter flags and then applies the current
filter settings to the swath bathymetry data. These actions
are applied only from the current position
to the end of the data currently
in memory. The filtering is not applied (or unapplied) to
pings earlier in the data file than the current position.
The Reset button restores the filter settings that
were applied last.
- Controls->Filters->Median Spike Fllter
This toggle button turns automatic median filtering of
bathymetry profiles on and off.
When median filtering is enabled, the median depth is
calculated for each bathymetry ping. Each sounding in the
ping is compared with the median value; any sounding that
differs from the median by a percentage
greater than a threshold percentage
is flagged as bad data.
- Controls->Filters->% Median Depth Threshold
This slider sets the threshold of the median depth
filter in units of percentage of the median depth.
- Controls->Filters->Wrong Side Fllter
This toggle button turns automatic wrong side filtering of
bathymetry profiles on and off. This filter expects
bathymetry beams to be numbered from port to
starboard. Any beam numbered less than the
center beam with a positive
(starboard) acrosstrack distance is considered to
be on the "wrong side", and any beam numbered higher than
the center beam with a negative (port) acrosstrack distance
is similarly regarded. For most swath data, the center
beam occurs near the midway point in the beam list. This
algorithm ignores apparent wrong side beams close to
the midway beam, where close is defined as being within
a threshold number of the midway beam.
- Controls->Filters->Beams from Center Threshold
This slider sets the threshold of beam locations
checked by the wrong side filter.
- Controls->Filters->Flag by Beam Number
This toggle button turns automatic beam flagging by
beam number on and off. The flagging is controlled by
start and end beam number values (set by the two
sliders discussed immediately below). If the start beam
number is less than or equal to the end beam number, then
all beams between and including the start and end are
flagged, producing a flagged zone within the swath. If
the start beam number is greater than the end beam number,
then all beams before and including the end beam are flagged,
and all beams including and after the start beam are flagged.
This produces flagging of both swath edges.
- Controls->Filters->Start Flagging Beam Number
This slider sets the beam number at which flagging by beam number starts.
- Controls->Filters->End Flagging Beam Number
This slider sets the beam number at which flagging by beam number ends.
- Controls->Filters->Flag by Distance
This toggle button turns automatic beam flagging by
acrosstrack distance on and off. The flagging is controlled by
start and end distance values (set by the two
sliders discussed immediately below). If the start distance
is less than or equal to the end distance, then
all beams with acrosstrack distances between
the start and end distances are
flagged, producing a flagged zone within the swath. If
the start distance is greater than the end distance,
then all beams with acrosstrack distance less than
the end distance are flagged,
and all beams with acrosstrack distance greater than
the start distance are flagged.
This produces flagging of both swath edges.
- Controls->Filters->Start Flagging Distance
This slider sets the beam number at which flagging
by acrosstrack distance starts.
- Controls->Filters->End Flagging Distance
This slider sets the beam number at which flagging
by acrosstrack distance ends.
- Controls->Reverse Right/Left Key Macros
This toggle button, when set, reverses the
key macros associated with flagging all beams
to the left or right of the last picked beam. This
means that the 'A', 'a', 'J', and 'j' keys will
flag to the right rather than to the left. Similarly,
the 'D', 'd', 'L', and 'l' keys will flag to the
left rather than to the right. This option allows users
to conveniently handle swath bathymetry in which the
beams are mistakenly ordered starboard to port instead
of the usual port to starboard.
- Controls->Reverse Mouse Buttons
This toggle button, when set, reverses the meaning of
the right and left mouse buttons. This option is for
the convenience of left-handed users.
- Start
This button causes the set of displayed pings to step backward to the
beginning of the current buffer. The middle mouse button causes
the same action if the 'G' or 'g' key is down.
- Reverse
This button causes the set of displayed pings to step nstep
pings backward in the current buffer. The middle mouse button causes
the same action.
- Forward
This button causes the set of displayed pings to step nstep
pings forward in the current buffer. The right mouse button causes
the same action.
- End
This button causes the set of displayed pings to step forward to the
end of the current buffer. The right mouse button causes
the same action if the 'G' or 'g' key is down.
- Next Buffer
This button causes the program to write out the data from the
current buffer and then read in and display the next buffer.
If there is no more data to be read in after the current buffer
has been written out, then the input and output files are closed.
- Done | Next File
When the last file in the list of files available for editing has been loaded,
this button shows as "Done". Otherwise, it shows as "Next File". In either
case, this button causes the program to write out all of the edited navigation
data and then close the current file. If the current file is not the last
one in the available list, then the next unlocked file will be loaded for editing.
- Quit
This button causes the program to exit gracefully. If a data file
has been loaded, all of the edited navigation will be written to the output file
before exiting.
- About
This button causes the program to bring up a dialog showing the
program's name, version, and authors.
- Acrosstrack Width
This slider sets the width of the plot in meters; in general this
value should be slightly larger than the swath width of the data
being edited. If a particular value is desired which cannot be
obtained by dragging the slider (e.g., the user wants a plot
width of 10 meters but the slider jumps from 1 to 47), the slider
can be changed by increments of 1 by clicking with the left button
inside the slider area, but not on the slider itself.
- Vertical Exageration
This slider sets the depth scale in terms of vertical exageration.
The depth scale will change as the cross track distance scale is
changed to maintain the same vertical exageration.
If a particular value is desired which cannot be
obtained by dragging the slider, the slider
can be changed by increments of 0.01 by clicking with the left button
inside the slider area, but not on the slider itself.
- Mode
This set of radio buttons allows the user to specify the edit mode. If
mode is set to Toggle, then clicking the left mouse button will
cause the nearest beam to toggle between flagged and unflagged. If mode
is set to Pick, then clicking the left mouse button will cause
the nearest unflagged beam to be flagged. If mode
is set to Erase, then the cursor will change to an erasor and
any beam with the cursor while the left mouse button is held down
will be flagged. If mode is set to Restore, the behavior will
be the same as for Erase except that the affected beams will be
unflagged instead of flagged. In Grab mode, a red rectangle is drawn
as the mouse is dragged with the left button down. When the button is
released, all unflagged soundings within the rectangle are flagged.
Info mode acts like pick mode, except that instead of flagging
the nearest sounding, the program displays information about the
selected ping and sounding above the bathymetry profile box.
The edit mode can also be set using key macros (see the keyboard
action section):
Toggle: 'Q', 'q', 'U', 'u'
Pick: 'W', 'w', 'I', 'i'
Erase: 'E', 'e', 'O', 'o'
Restore: 'R', 'r', 'P', 'p'
Grab: 'Y', 'y', '}, ']'
Info: 'T', 't', '{', '['
- Unflag View
This button flags all unflagged beams among the currently
displayed pings. Pings in the buffer before or after the current
display are unaffected.
- Unflag View
This button unflags all flagged beams among the currently
displayed pings. Pings in the buffer before or after the current
display are unaffected.
- Unflag Forward
This button unflags all flagged beams among all pings from
the start of the current display to the end of the current
data buffer. Pings before the start of the current display are
- Number of pings shown
This slider sets the number of pings shown at a time.
- Number of pings to step
This slider sets the number of pings to step when the Forward
or Reverse buttons are pushed.
- Left Mouse Button
The left mouse button is used to pick beams. Good beams are
shown as filled black squares and bad (flagged) beams as unfilled red
or green squares. The
result of picking a particular beam depends on the current edit mode,
as set by the Mode button or keyboard macros defined below. The
last picked beam (and ping) is remembered for use with
some of the keyboard actions described below.
- Middle Mouse Button
The middle mouse button causes the set of displayed pings to step nstep
pings backward in the current buffer. The control button Reverse causes
the same action. If the 'G' or 'g' key is depressed, the display will jump
to the beginning of the current buffer.
- Right Mouse Button
The right mouse button causes the set of displayed pings to step nstep
pings forward in the current buffer. The control button Forward causes
the same action. If the 'G' or 'g' key is depressed, the display will jump
to the end of the current buffer.
- 'G' or 'g'
Big Jump:
Scolling forward while pressing one of these keys jumps to the end
of the current buffer, and scrolling backward jumps to the beginning of the buffer.
- 'Z', 'z', 'M', or 'm'
Bad Ping:
Pressing one of these keys causes all of the beams in the last picked
ping to be flagged as bad.
- 'X', 'x', '<', or ','
Pressing one of these keys causes all of the unflagged beams
in the current display to to be flagged as bad. This is equivalent
to the CFlag View button.
- 'C', 'c', '>', or '.'
Pressing one of these keys causes all of the flagged beams
in the current display to to be unflagged. This is equivalent
to the Unflag View button.
- 'S', 's', 'K', or 'k'
Good Ping:
Pressing one of these keys causes all of the beams in the last picked
ping to be unflagged as good.
- 'A', 'a', 'J', or 'j'
Pressing one of these keys causes all of the beams including and to
the left of the last picked beam to be flagged as bad.
- 'D', 'd', 'L', or 'l'
Pressing one of these keys causes all of the beams including and to
the right of the last picked beam to be flagged as bad.
- '!'
Zero Ping:
Pressing this key causes all of the beams in the ping
associated with the last picked beam to be zeroed. This
should be used only for completely ridiculous values, as
the values are not recoverable.
- 'Q', 'q', 'U', or 'u'
Toggle Mode:
Pressing one of these keys sets the edit mode to "toggle" so that
clicking the left mouse button will cause
the nearest beam to toggle between flagged and unflagged.
The edit mode can also be set using the Mode toggle buttons.
- 'W', 'w', 'I', or 'i'
Pick Mode:
Pressing one of these keys sets the edit mode to "pick" so that
clicking the left mouse button will cause
the nearest unflagged beam to be flagged.
The edit mode can also be set using the Mode toggle buttons.
- 'E', 'e', 'O', or 'o'
Erase Mode:
Pressing one of these keys sets the edit mode to "erase" so that
clicking the left mouse button will cause
any beam under the cursor while the left mouse button is held down
to be flagged.
The edit mode can also be set using the Mode toggle buttons.
- 'R', 'r', 'P', or 'p'
Restore Mode:
Pressing one of these keys sets the edit mode to "restore" so that
clicking the left mouse button will cause any beam under the cursor
while the left mouse button is held down to be unflagged.
The edit mode can also be set using the Mode toggle buttons.
- 'T', 't', '{', or '['
Grab Mode:
Pressing one of these keys sets the edit mode to "grab" so that
dragging the left mouse button will draw a red rectangle. Any beams
inside the rectangle when the left mouse button is released will
be flagged. The edit mode can also be set using the Mode
toggle buttons.
- 'Y', 'y', '}', or ']'
Info Mode:
Pressing one of these keys sets the edit mode to "info" so that
clicking the left mouse button will cause information about the
nearest beam to be displayed above the bathymetry profile box.
The edit mode can also be set using the Mode toggle buttons.
- '2'
Sets the mbedit display so that the
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles are plotted with vertical
offsets between each profile (in waterfall fashion).
- '3'
Sets the mbedit display so that the
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles are viewed in the alongtrack
direction without vertical offsets between the pings.
- '4'
Sets the mbedit display so that the
bathymetry acrosstrack profiles are viewed in the acrosstrack
direction without vertical offsets between the pings.
mbsystem(1), mbprocess(1), mbset(1),
mbclean(1), mbeditviz(1), mbinfo(1)
This program is only fun when the data are good. The main
window for mbedit is not resizable.
Last Updated: 3 June 2013
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