MB-System Supported Swath Data Formats
Each swath mapping sonar system outputs a data stream which includes
some values or parameters unique to that system. In general, a number of
different data formats have come into use for data from each of the sonar
systems; many of these formats include only a subset of the original data
stream. Internally, MBIO recognizes which sonar system each data format
is associated with and uses a data structure including the complete data
stream for that sonar. At present, formats associated with the following
sonars are supported:
- Sea Beam "classic" multibeam sonar
- Hydrosweep DS multibeam sonar
- Hydrosweep DS2 multibeam sonar
- Hydrosweep MD multibeam sonar
- Sea Beam 2000 multibeam sonar
- Sea Beam 2112 and 2136 multibeam sonars
- Sea Beam 2120 multibeam sonars
- Simrad EM12, EM121, EM950, and EM1000 multibeam sonars
- Simrad EM120, EM300, and EM3000 multibeam sonars
- Simrad EM122, EM302, EM710, and EM3002 multibeam sonars
- Simrad Mesotech SM2000 multibeam sonar
- Hawaii MR-1 shallow tow interferometric sonar
- ELAC Bottomchart and Bottomchart MkII shallow water multibeam sonars
- Reson Seabat multibeam sonars (e.g. 9001, 8081, 7125)
- WHOI DSL AMS-120 deep tow interferometric sonar
- Sea Scan sidescan sonar
- Furuno HS-1 multibeam sonar
- Edgetech sidescan and subbottom profiler sonars
- Imagenex DeltaT multibeam sonars
- Odom ES3 multibeam sonar
The following swath mapping sonar data formats are currently supported by MB-System:
- MBIO Data Format ID: 11
- Format name: MBF_SBSIOMRG
- Informal Description: SIO merge Sea Beam
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 16 beams, binary, uncentered,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 12
- Format name: MBF_SBSIOCEN
- Informal Description: SIO centered Sea Beam
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 19 beams, binary, centered,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 13
- Format name: MBF_SBSIOLSI
- Informal Description: SIO LSI Sea Beam
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 19 beams, binary, centered,
obsolete, SIO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 14
- Format name: MBF_SBURICEN
- Informal Description: URI Sea Beam
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 19 beams, binary, centered,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 15
- Format name: MBF_SBURIVAX
- Informal Description: URI Sea Beam from VAX
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 19 beams, binary, centered,
VAX byte order, URI.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 16
- Format name: MBF_SBSIOSWB
- Informal Description: SIO Swath-bathy SeaBeam
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 19 beams, binary, centered,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 17
- Format name: MBF_SBIFREMR
- Informal Description: IFREMER Archive SeaBeam
- Attributes: Sea Beam, bathymetry, 19 beams, ascii, centered,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 21
- Format name: MBF_HSATLRAW
- Informal Description: Raw Hydrosweep
- Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, bathymetry and amplitude, 59 beams,
ascii, Atlas Electronik.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 22
- Format name: MBF_HSLDEDMB
- Informal Description: EDMB Hydrosweep
- Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, bathymetry, 59 beams, binary, NRL.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 23
- Format name: MBF_HSURICEN
- Informal Description: URI Hydrosweep
- Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, 59 beams, bathymetry, binary, URI.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 24
- Format name: MBF_HSLDEOIH
- Informal Description: L-DEO in-house binary Hydrosweep
- Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, 59 beams, bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, centered, L-DEO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 25
- Format name: MBF_HSURIVAX
- Informal Description: URI Hydrosweep from VAX
- Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, 59 beams, bathymetry, binary,
VAX byte order, URI.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 26
- Format name: MBF_HSUNKNWN
- Informal Description: Unknown Hydrosweep
- Attributes: Hydrosweep DS, bathymetry, 59 beams, ascii, unknown origin, SOPAC.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 32
- Format name: MBF_SB2000SB
- Informal Description: SIO Swath-bathy SeaBeam 2000 format
- Attributes: SeaBeam 2000, bathymetry, 121 beams,
binary, SIO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 33
- Format name: MBF_SB2000SS
- Informal Description: SIO Swath-bathy SeaBeam 2000 format
- Attributes: SeaBeam 2000, sidescan,
1000 pixels for 4-bit sidescan,
2000 pixels for 12+-bit sidescan,
binary, SIO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 41
- Format name: MBF_SB2100RW
- Informal Description: SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
- Attributes: SeaBeam 2100, bathymetry, amplitude
and sidescan, 151 beams and 2000 pixels, ascii
with binary sidescan, SeaBeam Instruments.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 42
- Format name: MBF_SB2100B1
- Informal Description: SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
- Attributes: SeaBeam 2100, bathymetry, amplitude
and sidescan, 151 beams bathymetry,
2000 pixels sidescan, binary,
SeaBeam Instruments and L-DEO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 43
- Format name: MBF_SB2100B2
- Informal Description: SeaBeam 2100 series vender format
- Attributes: SeaBeam 2100, bathymetry and amplitude,
151 beams bathymetry,
SeaBeam Instruments and L-DEO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 51
- Format name: MBF_EMOLDRAW
- Informal Description: Old Simrad vendor multibeam format
- Attributes: Simrad EM1000, EM12S, EM12D,
and EM121 multibeam sonars,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
60 beams for EM1000, 81 beams for EM12S/D,
121 beams for EM121, variable pixels,
ascii + binary, Simrad.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 53
- Format name: MBF_EM12IFRM
- Informal Description: IFREMER TRISMUS format for Simrad EM12
- Attributes: Simrad EM12S and EM12D,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan
81 beams, variable pixels, binary,
read-only, IFREMER.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 54
- Format name: MBF_EM12DARW
- Informal Description: Simrad EM12S RRS Darwin processed format
- Attributes: Simrad EM12S, bathymetry and amplitude,
81 beams, binary, Oxford University.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 56
- Format name: MBF_EM300RAW
- Informal Description: Simrad current multibeam vendor format
- Attributes: Simrad EM120, EM300, EM1002, EM3000,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 254 beams, variable pixels, ascii + binary, Simrad.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 57
- Format name: MBF_EM300MBA
- Informal Description: Simrad multibeam processing format
- Attributes: Old and new Simrad multibeams,
EM12S, EM12D, EM121, EM120, EM300,
EM100, EM1000, EM950, EM1002, EM3000,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 254 beams, variable pixels, ascii + binary, MBARI.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 58
- Format name: MBF_EM710RAW
- Informal Description: Kongsberg current multibeam vendor format
- Attributes: Kongsberg EM122, EM302, EM710,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 400 beams, variable pixels, binary, Kongsberg.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 59
- Format name: MBF_EM710MBA
- Informal Description: Kongsberg current multibeam vendor format
- Attributes: Kongsberg EM122, EM302, EM710,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 400 beams, variable pixels, binary, Simrad.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 61
- Format name: MBF_MR1PRHIG
- Informal Description: Obsolete SOEST MR1 post processed format
- Attributes: SOEST MR1, bathymetry and sidescan,
variable beams and pixels, xdr binary,
SOEST, University of Hawaii.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 62
- Format name: MBF_MR1ALDEO
- Informal Description: L-DEO MR1 post processed format with travel times
- Attributes: L-DEO MR1, bathymetry and sidescan,
variable beams and pixels, xdr binary,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 63
- Format name: MBF_MR1BLDEO
- Informal Description: L-DEO small MR1 post processed format with travel times
- Attributes: L-DEO MR1, bathymetry and sidescan,
variable beams and pixels, xdr binary,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 64
- Format name: MBF_MR1PRVR2
- Informal Description: SOEST MR1 post processed format
- Attributes: SOEST MR1, bathymetry and sidescan,
variable beams and pixels, xdr binary,
SOEST, University of Hawaii.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 71
- Format name: MBF_MBLDEOIH
- Informal Description: L-DEO in-house generic multibeam
- Attributes: Data from all sonar systems, bathymetry,
amplitude and sidescan, variable beams and pixels,
binary, centered, L-DEO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 75
- Format name: MBF_MBNETCDF
- Informal Description: CARAIBES CDF multibeam
- Attributes: Data from all sonar systems, bathymetry only,
variable beams, netCDF, IFREMER.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 76
- Format name: MBF_MBNCDFXT
- Informal Description: CARAIBES CDF multibeam extended
- Attributes: Superset of MBF_MBNETCDF, includes (at least SIMRAD EM12) amplitude,
variable beams, netCDF, IFREMER.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 81
- Format name: MBF_CBAT9001
- Informal Description: Reson SeaBat 9001 shallow water multibeam
- Attributes: 60 beam bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, University of New Brunswick.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 82
- Format name: MBF_CBAT8101
- Informal Description: Reson SeaBat 8101 shallow water multibeam
- Attributes: 101 beam bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, SeaBeam Instruments.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 83
- Format name: MBF_HYPC8101
- Informal Description: Reson SeaBat 8101 shallow water multibeam
- Attributes: 101 beam bathymetry,
ASCII, read-only, Coastal Oceanographics.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 84
- Format name: MBF_XTFR8101
- Informal Description: XTF format Reson SeaBat 81XX
- Attributes: 240 beam bathymetry and amplitude,
1024 pixel sidescan
binary, read-only,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 88
- Format name: MBF_RESON7KR
- Informal Description: Reson 7K multibeam vendor format
- Attributes: Reson 7K series multibeam sonars,
bathymetry, amplitude, three channels sidescan, and subbottom
up to 254 beams, variable pixels, binary, Reson.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 91
- Format name: MBF_BCHRTUNB
- Informal Description: Elac BottomChart shallow water multibeam
- Attributes: 56 beam bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, University of New Brunswick.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 92
- Format name: MBF_ELMK2UNB
- Informal Description: Elac BottomChart MkII shallow water multibeam
- Attributes: 126 beam bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, University of New Brunswick.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 93
- Format name: MBF_BCHRXUNB
- Informal Description: Elac BottomChart shallow water multibeam
- Attributes: 56 beam bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, University of New Brunswick.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 94
- Format name: MBF_L3XSERAW
- Informal Description: ELAC/SeaBeam XSE vendor format
- Attributes: Bottomchart MkII 50 kHz and 180 kHz multibeam,
SeaBeam 2120 20 KHz multibeam,
bathymetry, amplitude and sidescan,
variable beams and pixels, binary,
L3 Communications (Elac Nautik
and SeaBeam Instruments).
- MBIO Data Format ID: 101
- Format name: MBF_HSMDARAW
- Informal Description: Atlas HSMD medium depth multibeam raw format
- Attributes: 40 beam bathymetry, 160 pixel sidescan,
XDR (binary), STN Atlas Elektronik.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 102
- Format name: MBF_HSMDLDIH
- Informal Description: Atlas HSMD medium depth multibeam processed format
- Attributes: 40 beam bathymetry, 160 pixel sidescan,
XDR (binary), L-DEO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 111
- Format name: MBF_DSL120PF
- Informal Description: WHOI DSL AMS-120 processed format
- Attributes: 2048 beam bathymetry, 8192 pixel sidescan,
binary, parallel bathymetry and amplitude files, WHOI DSL.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 112
- Format name: MBF_DSL120SF
- Informal Description: WHOI DSL AMS-120 processed format
- Attributes: 2048 beam bathymetry, 8192 pixel sidescan,
binary, single files, WHOI DSL.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 121
- Format name: MBF_GSFGENMB
- Informal Description: SAIC Generic Sensor Format (GSF)
- Attributes: variable beams, bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, single files, SAIC.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 131
- Format name: MBF_MSTIFFSS
- Informal Description: MSTIFF sidescan format
- Attributes: variable pixels, sidescan,
binary TIFF variant, single files, Sea Scan.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 132
- Format name: MBF_EDGJSTAR
- Informal Description: Edgetech Jstar format
- Attributes: variable pixels, dual frequency sidescan and subbottom,
binary SEGY variant, single files,
low frequency sidescan returned as
survey data, Edgetech.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 133
- Format name: MBF_EDGJSTR2
- Informal Description: Edgetech Jstar format
- Attributes: variable pixels, dual frequency sidescan and subbottom,
binary SEGY variant, single files,
high frequency sidescan returned as
survey data, Edgetech.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 141
- Format name: MBF_OICGEODA
- Informal Description: OIC swath sonar format
- Attributes: variable beam bathymetry and
amplitude, variable pixel sidescan, binary,
Oceanic Imaging Consultants
- MBIO Data Format ID: 142
- Format name: MBF_OICMBARI
- Informal Description: OIC-style extended swath sonar format
- Attributes: variable beam bathymetry and
amplitude, variable pixel sidescan, binary,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 151
- Format name: MBF_OMGHDCSJ
- Informal Description: UNB OMG HDCS format (the John Hughes Clarke format)
- Attributes: variable beam bathymetry and
amplitude, variable pixel sidescan, binary,
- MBIO Data Format ID: 160
- Format name: MBF_SEGYSEGY
- Informal Description: SEGY seismic data format
- Attributes: seismic or subbottom trace data,
single beam bathymetry, nav,
binary, SEG (SIOSEIS variant)
- MBIO Data Format ID: 161
- Format name: MBF_MGD77DAT
- Informal Description: NGDC MGD77 underway geophysics format
- Attributes: single beam bathymetry, nav, magnetics,
gravity, ascii, NOAA NGDC
- MBIO Data Format ID: 162
- Format name: MBF_ASCIIXYZ
- Informal Description: Generic XYZ sounding format
- Attributes: XYZ (lon lat depth) ASCII soundings, generic
- MBIO Data Format ID: 163
- Format name: MBF_ASCIIYXZ
- Informal Description: Generic YXZ sounding format
- Attributes: YXZ (lat lon depth) ASCII soundings, generic
- MBIO Data Format ID: 164
- Format name: MBF_HYDROB93
- Informal Description: NGDC binary hydrographic sounding format
- Attributes: XYZ (lon lat depth) binary soundings
- MBIO Data Format ID: 165
- Format name: MBF_MBARIROV
- Informal Description: MBARI ROV navigation format
- Attributes: ROV navigation, MBARI
- MBIO Data Format ID: 166
- Format name: MBF_MBPRONAV
- Informal Description: MB-System simple navigation format
- Attributes: navigation, MBARI
- MBIO Data Format ID: 167
- Format name: MBF_NVNETCDF
- Informal Description: CARAIBES CDF navigation
- Attributes: netCDF, IFREMER.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 168
- Format name: MBF_ASCIIXYT
- Informal Description: Generic XYT sounding format
- Attributes: XYT (lon lat topography) ASCII soundings, generic
- MBIO Data Format ID: 169
- Format name: MBF_ASCIIYXT
- Informal Description: Generic YXT sounding format
- Attributes: YXT (lat lon topograpy) ASCII soundings, generic
- MBIO Data Format ID: 170
- Format name: MBF_MBARROV2
- Informal Description: MBARI ROV navigation format
- Attributes: ROV navigation, MBARI
- MBIO Data Format ID: 171
- Format name: MBF_HS10JAMS
- Informal Description: Furuno HS-10 multibeam format,
- Attributes: 45 beams bathymetry and amplitude,
ascii, JAMSTEC
- MBIO Data Format ID: 172
- Format name: MBF_HIR2RNAV
- Informal Description: SIO GDC R2R navigation format
- Attributes: R2R navigation, ascii, SIO
- MBIO Data Format ID: 173
- Format name: MBF_MGD77TXT
- Informal Description: NGDC MGD77 underway geophysics format
- Attributes: single beam bathymetry, nav, magnetics, gravity,
122 byte ascii records with CRLF line breaks, NOAA NGDC
- MBIO Data Format ID: 174
- Format name: MBF_MGD77TAB
- Informal Description: NGDC MGD77 underway geophysics format
- Attributes: single beam bathymetry, nav, magnetics, gravity,
122 byte ascii records with CRLF line breaks, NOAA NGDC
- MBIO Data Format ID: 181
- Format name: MBF_SAMESURF
- Informal Description: SAM Electronics SURF format.
- Attributes: variable beams, bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
binary, single files, SAM Electronics (formerly Krupp-Atlas Electronik).
- MBIO Data Format ID: 182
- Format name: MBF_HSDS2RAW
- Informal Description: STN Atlas raw multibeam format
- Attributes: STN Atlas multibeam sonars,
Hydrosweep DS2, Hydrosweep MD,
Fansweep 10, Fansweep 20,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 1440 beams and 4096 pixels,
XDR binary, STN Atlas.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 183
- Format name: MBF_HSDS2LAM
- Informal Description: L-DEO HSDS2 processing format
- Attributes: STN Atlas multibeam sonars,
Hydrosweep DS2, Hydrosweep MD,
Fansweep 10, Fansweep 20,
bathymetry, amplitude, and sidescan,
up to 1440 beams and 4096 pixels,
XDR binary, L-DEO.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 191
- Format name: MBF_IMAGE83P
- Informal Description: Imagenex DeltaT Multibeam
- Attributes: Multibeam, bathymetry, 480 beams, ascii + binary, Imagenex.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 192
- Format name: MBF_IMAGEMBA
- Informal Description: MBARI DeltaT Multibeam
- Attributes: Multibeam, bathymetry, 480 beams, ascii + binary, MBARI.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 201
- Format name: MBF_HYSWEEP1
- Informal Description: HYSWEEP multibeam data format
- Attributes: Many multibeam sonars,
bathymetry, amplitude
variable beams, ascii, HYPACK.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 211
- Format name: MBF_XTFB1624
- Informal Description: XTF format Benthos Sidescan SIS1624
- Attributes: variable pixels, dual frequency sidescan and subbottom,
xtf variant, single files,
low frequency sidescan returned as
survey data, Benthos.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 221
- Format name: MBF_SWPLSSXI
- Informal Description: SEA interferometric sonar vendor intermediate format
- Attributes: SEA SWATHplus,
bathymetry and amplitude,
variable beams, binary, SEA.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 222
- Format name: MBF_SWPLSSXP
- Informal Description: SEA interferometric sonar vendor processed data format
- Attributes: SEA SWATHplus,
bathymetry and amplitude,
variable beams, binary, SEA.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 231
- Format name: MBF_3DDEPTHP
- Informal Description: 3DatDepth prototype binary swath mapping LIDAR format
- Attributes: 3DatDepth LIDAR, variable pulses, bathymetry and amplitude,
binary, 3DatDepth.
- MBIO Data Format ID: 241
- Format name: MBF_WASSPENL
- Informal Description: WASSP Multibeam Vendor Format
- Attributes: WASSP multibeams,
bathymetry and amplitude,
122 or 244 beams, binary, Electronic Navigation Ltd.
Last Updated: $Id: mb_format.h 2175 2014-03-18 23:03:39Z caress $ $Revision: $
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