The following services are available:
- Web Map Service (OGC WMS) and WMS-C
- Tiled Map Services (TMS)
- Keyhole Markup Language (OGC KML)
- Web Map Tile Services (WMTS)
- MapProxy Demo Service
You need to add the service to the services section of your MapProxy configuration to enable it. Some services take additional options.
wmsoption1: xxx
wmsoption2: xxx
Web Map Service (OGC WMS)¶
The WMS server is accessible at /service and it supports the WMS versions 1.0.0, 1.1.1 and 1.3.0.
The WMS service will use all configured layers.
The service takes the following additional option.
Adds an attribution (copyright) line to all WMS requests.
- text
- The text line of the attribution (e.g. some copyright notice, etc).
md is for metadata. These fields are used for the WMS GetCapabilities responses. See the example below for all supported keys.
The srs option defines which SRS the WMS service supports.:
srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'CRS:84', 'EPSG:900913']
See axis order for further configuration that might be needed for WMS 1.3.0.
New in version 1.3.0.
The bbox_srs option controls in which SRS the BBOX is advertised in the capabilities document. It should only contain SRS that are configured in the srs option.
You need to make sure that all layer extents are valid for these SRS. E.g. you can’t choose a local SRS like UTM if you’re using a global grid without limiting all sources with a coverage.
A list of image mime types the server should offer.
A list of feature info types the server should offer. Available types are text, html and xml. The types then are advertised in the capabilities with the correct mime type.
You can define XSLT scripts to transform outgoing feature information. You can define scripts for different feature info types:
- html
- Define a script for INFO_FORMAT=text/html requests.
- xml
- Define a script for INFO_FORMAT=application/vnd.ogc.gml and INFO_FORMAT=text/xml requests.
Some WMS clients do not send all required parameters in feature info requests, MapProxy ignores these errors unless you set strict to true.
Configure what MapProxy should do when one or more sources return errors or no response at all (e.g. timeout). The default is notify, which adds a text line in the image response for each erroneous source, but only if a least one source was successful. When on_source_errors is set to raise, MapProxy will return an OGC service exception in any error case.
New in version 1.3.0.
The maximum output size for a WMS requests in pixel. MapProxy returns an WMS exception in XML format for requests that are larger. Defaults to [4000, 4000] which will limit the maximum output size to 16 million pixels (i.e. 5000x3000 is still allowed).
Full example¶
srs: ['EPSG:4326', 'CRS:83', 'EPSG:900913']
image_formats: ['image/png', 'image/jpeg']
text: "© MyCompany"
title: MapProxy WMS Proxy
abstract: This is the fantastic MapProxy.
person: Your Name Here
position: Technical Director
address: Fakestreet 123
city: Somewhere
postcode: 12345
country: Germany
phone: +49(0)000-000000-0
fax: +49(0)000-000000-0
access_constraints: This service is intended for private and evaluation use only.
fees: 'None'
The MapProxy WMS service also supports the WMS Tiling Client Recommendation from OSGeo.
If you add tiled=true to the GetCapabilities request, MapProxy will add metadata about the internal tile structure to the WMS capabilities document. Clients that support WMS-C can use this information to request tiles at the exact tile boundaries. MapProxy can return the tile as-it-is for these requests, the performace is on par with the TMS service.
MapProxy will limit the WMS support when tiled=true is added to the GetMap requests and it will return WMS service exceptions for requests that do not match the exact tile boundaries or if the requested image size or format differs.
Tiled Map Services (TMS)¶
MapProxy supports the Tile Map Service Specification from the OSGeo. The TMS is available at /tms/1.0.0.
The TMS service will use all configured layers that have a name and single cached source. Any layer grouping will be flattened.
Here is an example TMS request: /tms/1.0.0/base/EPSG900913/3/1/0.png. png is the internal format of the cached tiles. base is the name of the layer and EPSG900913 is the SRS of the layer. The tiles are also available under the layer name base_EPSG900913 when use_grid_names is false or unset.
A request to /tms/1.0.0 will return the TMS metadata as XML. /tms/1.0.0/layername will return information about the bounding box, resolutions and tile size of this specific layer.
New in version 1.5.0.
When set to true, MapProxy uses the actual name of the grid as the grid identifier instead of the SRS code. Tiles will then be available under /tms/1.0.0/mylayer/mygrid/ instead of /tms/1.0.0/mylayer/EPSG1234/ or /tms/1.0.0/mylayer_EPSG1234/.
use_grid_names: true
When you create a map in OpenLayers with an explicit mapExtent, it will request only a single tile for the first (z=0) level. TMS begins with two or four tiles by default, depending on the SRS. MapProxy supports a different TMS mode to support this use-case. MapProxy will start with a single-tile level if you request /tiles instead of /tms.
Alternatively, you can use the OpenLayers TMS option zoomOffset to compensate the difference. The option is available since OpenLayers 2.10.
There is an example available at the configuration-examples section, which shows the use of OpenLayers in combination with an overlay of tiles on top of OpenStreetMap tiles.
Google Maps¶
The TMS standard counts tiles starting from the lower left corner of the tile grid, while Google Maps and compatible services start at the upper left corner. The /tiles service accepts an origin parameter that flips the y-axis accordingly. You can set it to either sw (south-west), the default, or to nw (north-west), required for Google Maps.
New in version 1.5.0: You can use the origin option of the TMS service to change the default origin of the tiles service. If you set it to nw then you can leave the ?origin=nw parameter from the URL. This only works for the tiles service at /tiles, not for the TMS at /tms/1.0.0/.
origin: 'nw'
Keyhole Markup Language (OGC KML)¶
MapProxy supports KML version 2.2 for integration into Google Earth. Each layer is available as a Super Overlay – image tiles are loaded on demand when the user zooms to a specific region. The initial KML file is available at /kml/layername/EPSG1234/0/0/0.kml. The tiles are also available under the layer name layername_EPSG1234 when use_grid_names is false or unset.
New in version 1.5.0.
New in version 1.5.0.
When set to true, MapProxy uses the actual name of the grid as the grid identifier instead of the SRS code. Tiles will then be available under /kml/mylayer/mygrid/ instead of /kml/mylayer/EPSG1234/.
use_grid_names: true
Web Map Tile Services (WMTS)¶
New in version 1.1.0.
MapProxy supports the OGC WMTS 1.0.0 specification.
The WMTS service is similar to the TMS service and will use all configured layers that have a name and single cached source. Any layer grouping will be flattened.
There are some limitations depending on the grid configuration you use. Please refer to grid.origin for more information.
The metadata (ServiceContact, etc. ) of this service is taken from the WMS configuration. You can add md to the wmts configuration to replace the WMS metadata. See WMS metadata.
WMTS defines different access methods and MapProxy supports KVP and RESTful access. Both are enabled by default.
MapProxy supports GetCapabilities and GetTile KVP requests. The KVP service is available at /service.
You can enable or disable the KVP service with the kvp option. It is enabled by default and you need to enable restful if you disable this one.
kvp: false
restful: true
New in version 1.3.0.
MapProxy supports RESTful WMTS requests with custom URL templates. The RESTful service capabilities are available at /wmts/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml.
You can enable or disable the RESTful service with the restful option. It is enabled by default and you need to enable kvp if you disable this one.
restful: false
kvp: true
URL Template¶
WMTS RESTful services supports custom tile URLs. You can configure your own URL template with the restful_template option.
The default template is /{Layer}/{TileMatrixSet}/{TileMatrix}/{TileCol}/{TileRow}.{Format}
The template variables are identical with the WMTS specification. TileMatrixSet is the grid name, TileMatrix is the zoom level, TileCol and TileRow are the x and y of the tile.
You can access the tile x=3, y=9, z=4 at with the following configuration:
restful: true
MapProxy Demo Service¶
MapProxy comes with a demo service that lists all configured WMS and TMS layers. You can test each layer with a simple OpenLayers client.
The service is available at /demo/.
This service takes no further options: