GMT Supplemental Online Man Pages
These man pages are html-versions of the Unix man pages for the GMT
supplemental programs, grouped by package. Note that only the
packages actually installed on your system will be accessible.
The DBASE package
- grdraster Extraction of gridfiles from databases
The GSHHG package
- gshhg Extract ASCII data from GSHHG cooastlines, rivers, and borders
- gshhg_dp Line-reduction tool for GSHHG full-resolution data
- gshhgtograss Conversion from GSHHG format to GRASS
The IMGSRC package
- img2google Create Google Earth KML tiles from the topo.11.1.img bathymetry grid
- img2grd Front-end Bourne script to img2mercgrd
- img2mercgrd Extracting data from Sandwell/Smith altimetry solutions
The MECA package
- pscoupe Plot seismic moment tensor and/or double couples on a cross-section
- psmeca Plot seismic moment tensor and/or double couples on maps
- pspolar Plot polarities on the lower half-sphere
- psvelo Plot velocity ellipses, strain crosses, or strain wedges on maps
The MGD77 package
- mgd77convert Convert between different MGD77 file formats
- mgd77header Obtain header information from MGD77 A77 files
- mgd77info Obtain information from MGD77 cruise files
- mgd77list Extract data from MGD77 cruise files
- mgd77magref Evaluate the IGRF or CM4 magnetic field models
- mgd77manage Manage the enhanced MGD77+ netCDF files
- mgd77path Get full pathnames of MGD77 cruise files
- mgd77sniffer Along-track quality control of MGD77 cruise files
- mgd77track Plot the tracks of MGD77 cruise files
The MGG package
- binlegs Maintain shiptrack index files database
- dat2gmt Convert ASCII listing to .gmt file
- gmt2bin Create bin-index files from .gmt files
- gmt2dat Write .gmt file as ASCII listing
- gmtinfo Report statistics of .gmt files
- gmtlegs Find all ship tracks in given area
- gmtlist Extract data from .gmt files
- gmtpath Find actual path to .gmt files
- gmttrack Plot ship tracks on maps
- mgd77togmt Convert MGD-77 files to .gmt format
The MISC package
- dimfilter Directional filtering of 2-D grdfiles in the space domain
- gmt2kml Convert GMT data tables to KML files for Google Earth
- gmtdigitize Digitize map features using a large-format digitizer
- gmtstitch Combine line segments that share end-points
- gmtdp Line reduction using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
- kml2gmt Extract GMT data from a Google Earth KML file
- makepattern Make GMT color pattern from b/w pattern
- psmegaplot Make poster-size plot using tiling
- nc2xy Convert netCDF column file to ASCII xy data
The SEGYPROGS package
- pssegy Plot SEGY seismic data files in 2-D
- pssegyz Plot SEGY seismic data files in 3-D
- segy2grd Converting segy data to a GMT grid file
The SPH package
The SPOTTER package
- backtracker Forward and backward flowlines or hotspot tracks
- grdrotater Rotate entire grids using a finite rotation
- hotspotter Make CVA grids by convolving flowlines and seamount shapes
- originator Associate seamounts with hotspot point sources
- rotconverter Manipulate finite and stage rotations
The X2SYS package
- x2sys_binlist Create bin-index files from generic track files
- x2sys_cross Generic track intersection (Crossover) detector
- x2sys_datalist Generic data extractor for ASCII and binary track data
- x2sys_get Find all track files in a given area
- x2sys_init Initialize a new index file database for track data
- x2sys_list Extract crossover information from data base
- x2sys_merge Merge an updated COEs table into a main one
- x2sys_put Maintain index files database for track data
- x2sys_report Report crossover statistics for tracks
- x2sys_solve Determine systematic corrections from crossovers
The X_SYSTEM package
- x_system MGG-specific track intersection (Crossover) System Overview
- x_edit Convert between ascii and binary crossover correction tables
- x_init Initialize a new crossover data base
- x_list Extract crossover data from data base
- x_over Calculate crossovers between two MGG cruise files in *.gmt format
- x_remove Remove crossover information from data base
- x_report Summarize crossover statistics from data base
- x_setup Determine which cruises need to be compared to current files
- x_solve_dc_drift Find best-fitting offset and drift-rates
- x_update Update data base with new crossover information
The XGRID package
- xgridedit A GUI editor of gridfiles
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